In between all the highs and lows, the running around and standing still, the bright and the dark moments, I get to plan out the summer work here on the farm. I honestly don’t know what goes on in the minds of other people when they have nothing to do, but for me, all I can think about is “what’s next?” I have lots more ideas than I have money to accomplish them all. I should have played the PowerBall. My share of all that money would have started out in my Amazon Wislist. I would have added everthing to the cart then hit Order. That’s over 300 items. The UPS driver would have had to bring me my own delivery truck load. It would have been a great day! Next up would have been consulting with Sand Creek Pole Barns for a barn across the street. I would have made a private residence upstairs, and moved in, then this house would be redone top to bottom and a Bed and Breakfast opened in it. After that, Iwould be buying tracts of land around here and started working them to my satisfaction. John Deere would be sending their sales rep to me. Not a lot mind you. Just enough to grow enough food to sustain the Bead and Breakfast, and our family, and a Farmer’s Market stall. Okay, a lot!
Now you are asking yourself, how did I get from planning to dreaming? I ask mself that just about every day.
So, back to planning. This summer we want to buld up the barn to hold animals inside, making winters with them much easier for them and for me, the muggin who has to go out and feed them. We want to add pigs to the farm, and a few fowl, such as Peacocks and geese (again, thanks dogs!). I want to replace the egg flock for better laying next year, and I want a meat bird flock to put chickens in the freezer for the coming winter. I also want turkeys.
I need to build a pigstye, runs for some of the animals, the barn work, and fix up a lot of fencing. The back pasture across the street needs all of its fencing redone, which is a lot, especially where we’d like to block off the bird sanctuary in the drainiage ditch, and put waterfowl there. I’d like beehives on the strip of land other side of the drainage ditch. I cannot even thing about bulding a bridge over yet, or even doing any work on the bridge over the canal. Those will come after we get some money coming in, if that ever happens!
Basically, millions of dollars spent, and that’s without wining the lottery!
We also want to try a garden again this year. That is going to be a lot of work! Clearing the earth here is difficult. Grass and weeds grow in quickly, and clove will overtake any bare land. I want to get a pig in to clear it first, since they will root out every last bit of vegetation, and till the earth in the process. I am very excited to try this out!
And lastly, the big next plan… Last year the mower saw its last day. I want tools Ican easily fix and maintain, so a scythe is one of the next things I intend to order off that huge Amazon list. If I am not more fit by then end of the summer, it’s because I’m dead.
So, there you have it, a brief summary of what kinds of things occupy my mind in the down times of my days, and the waking moments of my nights. There is a lot left out, and this doesn’t even include a list of what Missus Bacon wants to do. It excludes adding cows and doing some landscaping too. It doesn’t mention painting and decorating insde the house, nor the paint that needs doing on the barn and the granary. I am way too poor to live the things I dream!