2024 – 2025 New Year

As we say goodby to 2024, and Hello to 2025, I wish everyone a Happy New year.

I know on a practical level that is a ridiculous statement. There will continue to be war and hate and murder and so on. But dammit, I would like it all to stop, and maybe it is a good enough time to say let’s let it all go, shake hands with the people we see around us every day, and welcome peace. That would be the hopeful wish that follows my Happy New Year. Say goodbye to greed and selfishness and let the truly important things matter in their place. The world is not dreamy right now, and things appear to be spiraling down. But let’s hope things do get better instead, and let’s hope that if we are going to fight, instead of fighting each other, we fight poverty and hunger, and oh, while we are at it, let’s eat the rich.

Right. That will be my brief New Year message for this year. Let it be, and again, have a Happy and healthy New Year. Let it bring you goodness, prosperity, and health and wealth and love. May it be the best year you have ever had by far.

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