Monthly Archives: February 2025
Dashing Through Time
I got together a few of the smaller pieces of scrap from the walnut in the burn bucket in the shop and put them on the lathe. I was thinking of egg cups, but they were too small. I turned … Continue reading
What Do You Do?
Oh! I am glad you asked! I am a couple of things. First, I am a husband and a father. Nothing comes before those. I do delivery on the weekends to help make ends meet. I also catch a photo … Continue reading
A Blast of Warm Weather
Today was a day off, more or less. I did mess with the larger chainsaw and determined that the chain hit something metal, and it blunted the points of the cutters on the right side pretty severely. The left cutters … Continue reading
Supervillain Plot Twist
A supervillain has become the richest man in the world. He has many endeavors, including one that is reported to have recently had success installing a computer chip in a human brain, giving that person the ability to look things … Continue reading
Deliveries and Plans
It was another day of Door Dashing and Uber Eats for me today. I wanted to see if I could break $100 for the day, and I did. I made $541 for the week working on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, … Continue reading
I went down to the city around lunchtime yesterday. I had several runs with Uber before the 3PM slow. Then I picked up with DoorDash and ran the dinner rush with it. Its higher tier finally got a chance to … Continue reading
Starvation Wages Feeding People
I am flogging my guts out for pennies at the moment. Tough stuff when there is such a horrible job market. I have spoken to one who has put in 70 job applications and heard nothing back on any. Missus … Continue reading
I Cannot Think Well Enough
I have troubles organizing my thoughts. I don’t make arguments on Facebook or even on my own website here because I cannot get everything organized and put into a sensible order, then make a compelling argument. One reason is that … Continue reading
More Wood Projects and Looms for Sale
Today was a Tuesday, and out of Uber and Door Dash I got one order today in Preston. It was for $6.75 at Wendy’s. It was not a good day for money, but it was fine for wood turning. I … Continue reading
Selling Hairpin Lace Looms
I made me another bowl today. I think in many ways it is better than the ones I have done before. There is still room to improve, and the important thing is I think I did from the last one. … Continue reading