Monthly Archives: February 2025
Uber Again
Okay, I have tried food delivery again in Logan, Utah. I went for a few hours, and earned something around $63. Then you take out the $20 in fuel I topped up again at the end of the night, and … Continue reading
Uber Logan
I took off for Logan for like eight hours yesterday. I was all set to make a bank, wasn’t I? But for one tiny little detail I had missed on the secondary screens of the Uber App. When in Utah, … Continue reading
Yet Another Morning Entry
It’s eight in the morning now, and I slept up till about an hour ago, so I am feeling pretty good. Out of bed, dressed, down the stairs, loo, kiss the wife, clear the ash out of the woodstove, load … Continue reading
First Uber Was Today
Six and a half bucks with no tip on the one and only Door Dash I took today. That would have been it, but for Uber finally lighting up and sending me a request for a food delivery. Naturally I … Continue reading
Every Morning’s Thoughts
The usual three Ante Meridian wake up today was because of the weather alarm sounding that the outside temperature has gone to below 20F. A quick jaunt down the stairs to the well-lit room and the woodstove, and back up … Continue reading
Wooden Figures
I moseyed out of the house this evening when there were no orders coming through on Door Dash and walked into the shop. I saw the stool I started for Missus as a warping stool for the big loom. It … Continue reading
Mallets For Every Room of the House!
Mallets made of Walnut. I turned another mallet recently, seen laying on its side in the picture above. I took from what I learned from the one on the far right and made the grip opposite in shape, wider at … Continue reading
Doing the Dishes
It’s Sunday morning. I got up around six, before the curtain of night began to give way to the hot winter’s sun. It is stabbing now, killed the night and lights every corner outside, trying to find its way into … Continue reading
Thomas Jefferson’s Report
Today is February 1st. It has been raining last night. It is 33.5 degrees right now, so cold enough for snow, but when I looked out, there was no snow. We were meant to be getting three inches with this … Continue reading