3AM Stuff

When I say it is the middle of the night, I mean it is 3AM. It’s a fine time to type up a blog post. After all, who has got a mind at three in the morning? Me? Maybe. I spent yesterday with the kids helping Missus get some stuff organized so she can warp a couple of looms. That cleared a load of stuff out of the library and made the big loom accessible. It was good to just see her up and about and moving around. It was a real step in her healing progress. She did complain of pain, but obviously it was pain she could overcome to do that work, even though she was assigned to sit down while we did all the bringing to and taking from her, it really is progress, both in her, and in the house.

I am in the hunt for a job at the moment. We need to have an income to live on. It is time. But it is not going as I would like just yet. I am trying to find something that will at least balance my time off my feet, as I am not sure I have a full day of being up and about quite in me just yet. Driving is my best option at the moment. I also want time to be at home ant time in the shop. I think there is something there for me, if I can get building. At least, I want there to be.

We have got a couple of decent days in the coming week that would be easy to heat the shop. Perhaps I can get out then. I still need to put a tabletop on the Roman bench so I can work on the front porch. That space heats up nicely. The top would be an easy build. And it will be removable, so I can work at a more comfortable height when needed. I would put its legs into the dog holes on the Roman, then run them up to the top, and put then through there, then put some dog holes in the top itself, making it a work holding piece, too. It would cover about half the Roman, making it so I would sit across the Roman like I was sitting on a horse. Then I would have a push function on the top for planing and such.

But that’s not what I am wanting to work on just this week. I want to finish my chandelier. That is the one that is to be lit with candles. It is sort of primitive but would cast loads of light in a room during a power outage. I seem to have the candles around to do it. I have plans on how to finish the structure in my head. Just need to put tool to wood and get it done.

I have about a month’s worth of firewood on the pile right now, I think. Maybe three weeks. It always depends on how cold it is, doesn’t it? The way this winter has been going, maybe I could last till the end of next winter on what is left! But we are meant to see some highs in the teens a few days in the coming week, towards the end of the ten-day forecast. So maybe it will only last three weeks? I will pile on some more when I can this week. It’s such a weird winter. It snowed, yet there is no accumulation. That is so weird, and so dry to normal. Will Springtime in the Rockies hold something for us? Or are we genuinely going dry and turning to a desert here? It is not looking good for the agricultural situation here, if you ask me. But then, I have done nothing but pay attention to weather for the last 12 and 1/2 years here. It’s kind of been my thing in order to understand everything about the place that I can, as best I can.

For reasons of insanity, I need to get the door fixed on the mini-shed I built. It is too wide to close right now. All to do with the wood expanding in the winter weather. It is not off by much. But I can either hand plane the corner down that is stopping it closing or even hit it lightly with the chainsaw. Just need to knock down that one little bit to get it to shut again. Small detail, but should I be building anything to sell, that is a mistake I don’t want to make.

I am going to go back to sleep soon. I just made the mistake of putting on a video by Bloomberg which is discussing the coming tariffs. I don’t have any confidence in this scheme at all. It looks like the intent is total economic isolationism. If they are imposed, I think it will all but end international trade for this country. That is going to hurt us a lot more than it will bother anyone else. China will take over the rest of the world as they trade with every place we have left a vacuum. I seriously think that if everything is implemented on trade and immigration, we are going to see near feudalism coming. The interviewee on this program is Paul Krugman, a Nobel Prize winner and he is not looking forward to what is coming. So, I don’t think my fears are misplaced. He has called US healthcare a nightmare. We have a much larger welfare state than we like to imagine. The retirement system is pretty good. But there are things where we should be doing more, that are obviously on hold for the next few years. Our problem in the US is that we don’t learn from other countries that do things right. He also is calling the US economy right now in very good shape. It has 1999 vibes right now. So, let’s see what comes of new policy. He sees us having stagflation coming with the new policies, and the books will be cooked to look better than it really is. He has said to bookmark this, and watch. I agree. The man once cooked a weather forecast.

Right. Off to bed.

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