A Decent Day

Time for bed. I am happy with how the day went. Missus is feeling a bit better and was able to do some work on some of her looms. I went out to the shop and did some cleaning up and I also fixed the Roman workbench. That took turning a leg with a tenon, putting a cut down it with the grain, then hammering it in followed by wedging it. It was a good time! I really enjoyed it. I sanded the leg, but that did not take much work. It was pretty good off the skew. The tenon was too large by the time I had cut the scrap off the end. So that took a little work with a spokeshave. But it came out pretty good. It went right in with a few blows from the hammer. I didn’t use a mallet. You know, a person gets out of the shop for a bit and the obvious slips out of his mind.

I spoke to the girls’ bus driver very briefly today. He said he would talk to the boss tomorrow when he is back in work. That was so nice of him to say. I would be quite happy with that. I am not sure when they are hiring, so that will be important to find out.

It is going to get below 20F tonight and all the way down to 8F tomorrow night. The winter cold is finally coming! I opened Facebook today for a moment. It showed me a memory on my timeline in the form of a picture of January 5th, 2017. There was well more than a foot of snow on the house, I think. We are clear outside today. Nothing significant to show. It has been too warm for the snow that has fallen to stay. Amazing.

So, that’s the significant stuff for today. I have to get to sleep now. The End.

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