Author Archives: Kelsey
I was going to go to a little town along the River Severn today called Chepstow, but as the rail strikes were called off, so were more than half of the services from Worcester to there, so I opted for … Continue reading
The Old Door
Some years back, when we were quite a bit worse off financially, we had to really be creative about decorating and furnishing. We had a door on the box room upstairs which had a massive gap under it, and it … Continue reading
Facebook Friend Requests Sent
I am one who finds Facebook friends to be a big list of friends that are in some cases insincere, and in other cases genuine. So there is me, today, sending out two more requests. Well, let’s see what happens. … Continue reading
Things In the Mail
Yesterday my grandmother called to tell me that she was making photocopies and then mailing off the paperwork we needed to get the family moved over to America. I expect it in about a week to ten days. We are … Continue reading
VISA Application Update
Today Katrina and I went down to the Post Office with a load of papers in hand and a pile of money to send off to London to the American Embassy. The paperwork was for the boys’ VISA applications, and … Continue reading
Another Overcast Day
Today is like so many other days here in the UK. It is overcast and the sky is pretty much white. There are no bits of direct sunlight causing things to glow with golden hues and red tones. Both the … Continue reading
@ 4:30 AM
The sounds of any cars can still be individualized, if there are any at all. Also, the birds chirping and the sound be a breeze blowing a pop can down the street could as easily be in America as in … Continue reading
Creative vs. Analytical
I am of two minds. When I was in middle school I took some Stanford test to tell me if I was right or left brained. I took a Facebook quiz a few days ago that tested the for the … Continue reading
Through the Wardrobe
(Curves and Levels adjustments done in GIMP, a free alternative to Photoshop.) What could be lovelier than the lamps at Great Malvern in the snow? It is as though I have just gone into Narnia.