There are so many things that I could go on about right now, many personal, and a thing or two in the news. Let me stick to the events in the personal by saying that the grandparents have gone up to Idaho for the summer and will be coming back a few times between now and the autumn. The first trip back will be in a week or so to pick up some things for the summer. We have been given the horses, and we are working hard at getting enough money together to pay the bills accordingly, as we are standing on our own two feet as soon as we can, and the best we can. We have so much to do! With the horses, and the house, and the kids, we have got a lot to work on. JJ and Dylan are learning to ride, and how to train the horses, and I am watching and learning what I can so I can work the same on Patches as they will be on Precious and Umber.
All the while this is going on, we have been fortunate enough to have been given a gift from the same neighbor who is training us with the horses, and that was more than enough meat to get us through the summer. They have got a new cow, and needed to clear the last one out to make space. It is lovely meat, and it will certainly hold us over!
Granny took two of our chickens to Idaho as layers for themselves, and bought the two for me to raise to the point of lay, as I had requested her to do. It is good! Maybe we need to breed a few breeds to enjoy around here!
Katrina is working away hard, and doing well at the moment! Considering the lousy job market in Las Vegas, she is really lucky to have the work she does. Things are going well for her! I won’t get into specifics, not to minimize what she does, but to respect the privacy of her clients!
JJ and Dylan are aching for the end of the school year. This will be their first summer in America, and they are really excited about the extended summer holidays here! I am too, at the moment! It will be great to have them around to work with the horses, and to work on the ranch. There is so much to do around here, and I am looking forward to getting it all done! We can’t get the grandparents to agree to every change we would like to do because they have been paying the bills on the place, and worry ever so much about the price of water. We have cleared the leaks and sorted the usage of water and electricity out, so the costs have fallen dramatically, and we should be able to afford to water some peach trees and the like. We also have found out that some of the trees we have here were already being watered far more then necessary, so we have to arrange around that, and keep the cost down there too!
The garden has had its troubles! I need to do raised beds, and that is all there is to that! The wind kicked the crap out of several of our plants, and there are others perishing after the winds too. I have got to figure that out, but I would not doubt that it is to do with the amount of sand the wind carried onto the floor of the garden beds. In the end, I think the raised beds will give us the height over the sand, and the ability to hold water in the soil longer.
Hey, did you hear that Osama Bin Laden is dead? Just like after 9/11, conspiracies are already evolving. So what? The question I have is, was he even relevant anymore? I suppose it was a symbolic killing as much as anything, as it certainly won’t end ‘terrorism.’ Much of what is called terrorism is a matter of perspective and resources anyhow. Call it what you will, I call it not a war on terror, but a war of civilizations. It is relatively cool now, and if we are not careful, it will heat up to boiling, and nobody will be the better for it apart from those who stayed out of it. In the end, I think it will all look pretty cool as to what is to come when the oil starts to cease. Then all hell will break loose, eh?
Okay, enough of my political commentary crap. Just tell me why at 11:40 at night, my two year old is still awake in my bed? Moreover, why am I?
Night all, and I hope that if nothing else, this post breaks the deadlock that keeps hitting my fingers before I type a post for any of my blogs! Nothing works, and it is because I am in need of a detoxification process to eliminate certain toxins that have invaded my existence lately! Moving on!
Night all!
Kelsey J Bacon