Category Archives: Journal Entry
Sunday Cleaning, Again….
Yet another busy day here today! It is my mom’s last day visiting us and we will be taking her down to Salt Lake City tomorrow. I will be sad to see her go. On the other hand, she has … Continue reading
Starting Fresh, Feeling Fresh!
Today has been a really good day here! We sorted out some of the last things in the granary, and cleared out the rubbish from the barn. We cleared the mess from those two buildings that was in the yard, … Continue reading
Not Sleeping Lately
I am living on less than the desirable amount of sleep these days. I went to bed a bit late last night, which has been happening a lot lately. Jordan offered to put on the irrigation, so I laid down … Continue reading
An Ending
Grandma moved out of our place and into a little house in Preston. She is 80, and I do not think that living alone is something she is fit for, however, she is still mentally alert, and I am not … Continue reading
Start of Summer 2014
So, summer is almost upon is, officially, and it is 2014, and things are ticking along just as well as can be expected for us. The kids are already out of school for the summer, and Missus and I are … Continue reading
Remembering Grandpa Bancroft
So, grandpa Bancroft reminded us last week that we are all mortal, even him. We put him in the ground at a family started cemetery in Duchene, Utah, where one of the ancestors buried a young child, so the story … Continue reading
A Haunting Evening
I was out for a drive earlier this evening, and there was a haunting mist over the landscape. Some of the lights on distant houses were only pinpoints, and others were a little less clear with an aura around them, … Continue reading
Musings For A Spring Workday
Today I am working on the lighting in Grandma’s bedroom. She has been using floor and table lamps in there since the days when she owned the house. But she complains of her eyesight going bad, so as part of … Continue reading
At Parting
The fifth bell has tolled, and away she has gone. I sit in the living room, the lights dim, a soft heat radiating from the embers of the fire, the lick of a few flames to punctuate the atmosphere, my … Continue reading
Snow, A Dead Chicken, A Funeral, and the Joy of Furniture Arranging
Snow’s been falling today, which around here means that the temperatures have risen! It’s been too cold to snow for the last week and a half or so, but finally the temperature has come up to the high twenties and … Continue reading