Category Archives: Philosophical
I Cannot Think Well Enough
I have troubles organizing my thoughts. I don’t make arguments on Facebook or even on my own website here because I cannot get everything organized and put into a sensible order, then make a compelling argument. One reason is that … Continue reading
Every Morning’s Thoughts
The usual three Ante Meridian wake up today was because of the weather alarm sounding that the outside temperature has gone to below 20F. A quick jaunt down the stairs to the well-lit room and the woodstove, and back up … Continue reading
Wooden Figures
I moseyed out of the house this evening when there were no orders coming through on Door Dash and walked into the shop. I saw the stool I started for Missus as a warping stool for the big loom. It … Continue reading
Doing the Dishes
It’s Sunday morning. I got up around six, before the curtain of night began to give way to the hot winter’s sun. It is stabbing now, killed the night and lights every corner outside, trying to find its way into … Continue reading
Coming of Age
My first year of high school I remember the upperclassmen talking about one of the teachers that had retired at the end of the year before. I don’t remember a name, or even a gender, to be honest, to go … Continue reading
On Becoming Old
The kids are a growing, Missus has been ill, and I have noted a couple of horrible crashes along the highway that we travel on to get out of our neck of the wilderness that has taken more than one … Continue reading
The Begging-Letter Writer
18 May, 1850 The amount of money he annually diverts from wholesome and useful purposes in the United Kingdom, would be a set-off against the Window Tax. He is one of the most shameless frauds and impositions of this time. In … Continue reading
So Seldom I Hear This
This is so obvious, but I hear it so seldom. I wanted to put it here, because I needed to remember that I am not alone in this thinking. Beau of the Fifth Column, who is correct on so much … Continue reading
Graig L Hansen – 1957-2022
He began his entry into my life on Valentine’s Day in 1979, when he was an MP at Camp Pendleton, and met my mom that evening in a bar. They hit it off pretty good, and a week or two … Continue reading
The Post with No Title
Today was a fine old day. After little one finished her classes for the day, I took Dylan to Home Depot in our truck so he could buy stuff too big to fit in his car. We ate a little … Continue reading