Category Archives: Regular Update
My Best Friends
In the 1980’s, when I was a teenager boy, my grandmother took me aside on more than one occasion and told me that the thing my mother did wrong with all her kids was to be a friend, rather than … Continue reading
White Nights
I am reading the Russian White Nights, by Fyodor Dostoevsky. I have 18 pages left to go, but so far, it is about a lonely man who meets on chance a woman who is very nearly attacked by a drunk. … Continue reading
Doctor Marigold and My Memories
I did not read the whole story that comes next in the book of short stories tonight. It was too long for a relaxing read for me. It is called Doctor Marigold. It has been fun so far as it … Continue reading
Woodwork and Too Bright Headlights
Yesterday I worked on that board out in the shop. You know, the 8-foot-long board two and an eighth inches thick that was cupped and bowed pretty badly. I think it stood off the bench about an inch when I … Continue reading
Wiffle Waffle
In the cool dark hours of morning, when I took the girls to the stop for their school bus, three does came across the property across the street from the bus stop and dashed down the embankment after checking for … Continue reading
A Week of Craziness in a Day
I have had an interesting week this week. It was Farmer’s Market week, and we got the truck packed up and everything brought up to the park in Preston, then set up under the tent. It was a fine old … Continue reading
Septic System and Orchard
Today I took care of two things I have been putting off for far too long! I had a meeting at 9AM with the man in charge of the county health department to discuss planning for our septic system. He … Continue reading
Relaxing on a Sunday Afternoon in March
It’s Sunday, normally a relaxing day around here. Missus isn’t relaxing, so I have helped her with moving things around and getting things put away. She is trying so hard to get things organized better. She finally went for a … Continue reading
Honestly, it’s days like this that worry me. I woke up feeling fair to middling, did my morning chores feeding llamas and goats and even giving a shot to one of the llamas who has a swollen leg from some … Continue reading
Weird Winter Weather
The winter has been shockingly warm compared to the past winters we have had here in our part of Idaho. I took a photo last week while warming the truck up to take the girls to school that I thought … Continue reading