Deliveries & Not

It looks like Uber works like Door Dash. You have to be out loitering in your car for it to work. I don’t love that. I don’t really want to be out and about loitering for jobs to come up. I would be happy to leave the house for deliveries within a certain range. There is just no way to set it to do that. So, I will have to figure this out. I would rather be able to work in my shop and leave when called for than have to pick times to hang around somewhere like some kind of stalker with no one to stalk. How sad and lonely is that?

If I am a good boy, I will go to the shop tomorrow and turn a couple of carver’s mallets from the walnut I have out there. I also need to see if there is a decent hook somewhere I can put into my chandelier to hang it from. I will see what jobs are on offer, again. I might have to be weird and hang out somewhere waiting for a job on the apps.

Looks like everything from Columbia is now going to have higher prices. Coffee, anyone? Must be nice for those who can afford the higher prices and tariffs. But for the rest of us, I think we will see what comes of this at our expense. Really? Columbia? Well that’s interesting. If coffee is hit, loads of Americans will be hit by the prices. At least we get to experiment and see results of tariffs on something like that, and not on medicine or something important like that. We sure will see. Watch the coffee prices.

I found when I went to England in 2002 that the one thing the English famously hated most about Americans was what they called American Arrogance. I think they are going ot hate us more this year than ever before!

My youngest cleaned the car out today. She wanted to do that so I could use it to drive clients. What a great kid! She is amazing! She cleaned everything out, wiped down surfaces, and vacuumed. I will have to clean the outside. It is due for an oil change, too. I have some catching up to do!

I am watching an interesting video about a guy who is building a custom cabinet and veneering the base which is made of MDF. He is raising the question of if that is real woodworking, and talking about how some see real wood working as building only from solid woods. I don’t see it that way since wood stability is impossible to achieve with solid woods. I cannot count the number of pieces I have seen in the hundred plus year old category that were warped and broken to pieces because of wood moving with temperature and humidity. So I think the question is a made-up controversy. However, that said, watching the guy build he is highly intelligent. Hmm. Now he is gold leafing. Way out of my league! For now, anyway. But the man has got skills. Pedulla Studio is the name of the YouTube channel.

Best message from the video is, “If you are enjoying yourself, just do it.” Great!

Right. I am up early tomorrow. Off to sleep soon.

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