Door Dash

Door Dash is difficult. I have to set up a schedule and where I am going to work. That seems simple enough. Time and location. Nothing more to it. Then it seems like it should be telling me when there are deliveries to make in that area during that time, and I can accept the deliveries and earn money. So simple. But when it comes time, I have to log in. The trouble is, I can only log in for about half an hour before the app loge me back out again. It logs out because of inactivity. How am I supposed to know of activity if I am logged out? So I have to keep it logged in, which means battery eating babysitting of the app. Not that I have better things to do. Then it argues with me about logging in and being IN the area that I am trying to log in to work in. I live a few miles out of town, and do not have the time to sit up there in town waiting for hope’s sake that an order will come through. I have things to do. I can drop and go from home if I need to. And I will. But to hang about in town is not even an option. Yet that’s what Dash wants me to do. So I get it logged in, and so far after three days, I have had two deliveries. One of which was very problematic, but that’s a different story. Another problem is that the area they want to have deliveries in barely covers town. There are a little over five thousand people in town, and 12,000 in the county. Why don’t they cover more area? I wish I had the code and could set up a Dash for the whole county and deliver to the whole county. It is not that big of a space, and if everyone in this county could order food, I think they would.

I reached out to the help desk and got the runaround that I needed to go to town and wait there for orders, I also got that I understand how the app works and need to use that knowledge to make it work rather than a solution to the problems. I think that is what they were telling me. It was plenty useless. It sure made no sense. I gave up after two people and finally being promised I needed to be put on with a supervisor then dropped from the chat. It was pretty stupid. I have got to say, I have made about $12 in the last three days. On the other hand, it was a pain in the butt. So that’s where I am at.

I am trying the Uber app, but it seems to think it is a standalone app that does not have any information in it.

So far nothing there.

Okay, that is my report. I cannot even say I will still be doing this at all this time next week.

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