I went into town and earned money today, but only after dropping Missus and the kids to do a market in Preston this morning. I am disappointed that the app keeps telling my I am not taking photos as I deliver when I am and it says they are uploading. If I am doing everything right, then they are threatening to review my account, how do I prove myself? I have worked for people like this before, who prove they can override me and prove me not doing something I am supposed to when I am. Fraudulent authority. I think what really irks me about this though is that I can remember being told as a kid growing up that there was such a thing as GIGO, and that computers were perfect and did not make mistakes. Well, here we are, with a computer making mistakes and blaming me for them. No GIGO necessary.
Anyway, I earned upwards of $60 today and came back to the Market for a break from it; the work, and the stupidity of the blame game, and on top of it all, fighting with the GPS which has trouble orienting itself while I am still in a parking lot, so I have troubles figuring out which way I need to go out to head off in the right direction.
Missus got me a taco from the Senior Center, where the market was being held. It was such a sweet gesture. I hate to say it was the bread they served it in rather than a shell that then sent my inflammation sky high, and sent me to bed soon after we got home. Holy Hell did it hurt! But what a great reminder of how I used to feel every day for decades, and of how much better I feel nowadays! Working for hours at a time and not feeling pain after it is amazing. I thought that a full day’s work meant it would be naturally followed with so much pain that a second day would be virtually unbearable, and that was just how it was for everyone. I just figured most people bore the pain better than me. But to do days on end with almost no pain at all has me wondering how my life would have been different if I had discovered this sooner?
So I got knocked down this evening, and did not go back to work. It’s lovely that I have no excuses I have to make to anybody. That is one thing I really love about the gig economy. I don’t have to call some asshole and tell them I am feeling awful, then hear them tell me I could be fired and give me a load of bullshit that is only such because people make heartless choices of how to run their companies. I mean, don’t get me wrong. There is no health insurance, no retirement, and no way I could make enough to do well on this money, especially if I had a mortgage or rent to worry about. But at least I don’t have to answer to anyone but the collector of the other bills.
I’ll go in tomorrow. I am aiming to break my record for weekly earnings. At some point I will max out, but for now I would like to make enough to catch up some bills we are behind on, and take some stress off. I say that. Honestly, I feel no stress at all right now. But that is not the kind of stress I mean. I am talking about non emotional stresses.
It is coming up to 9:00PM. I have mitigated the cause of the joint pain as best I can without medication or tablets. I wanted to write. Soon I will put on some woodworking videos on YouTube and hopefully tire back out and drift off, and with any luck, for the night. We will see!
Yesterday our oldest was by with his little family. It was sure good to see them. I had to bugger off to work, so I had to leave him at the log-splitter with his chainsaw. He needed some firewood, so I told him that rather than going to the dump and getting all muddy there, we could cut up some of the sawlogs I have out back, and asked if he could do some rounds for me and then take whatever he needs. He agreed. I hope that was a good deal for him and got him set up well. I just sent him a thank you, since we are on the topic.
Enough for now. I am going to get me some woodworking knowledge. The more I know the netter off I am when I get to the bench.