
We have been in Idaho for one week today.  Today we got our broadband connected via a dish on the side of the house that provides a fairly decent connection.  The move up here did not go as planned, with all thanks going to Budget Rent A Truck for not letting us have the truck we booked because of a defective Air Conditioner!  What’s more, they did absolutely nothing, I repeat NOTHING to find us another truck, and the boy behind the counter showed even less sympathy or remorse!  I would like to highly advise against using their service for this and because I saw two trucks being towed during the time between our booking and the time we were meant to pick up the truck.  I do understand though that U-Haul will price match any printed price that Budget quotes, so that may be the way of getting our stuff up here! 

Back to the good news of being in Idaho!  The horses were already up from our trip up in April.  The chickens and goats all rode up with us in the truck when we drove up last Friday.  It was a long drive as we had a bad tire when we left, and as it turns out, the tread was separating on it.  Because we left at night we could not see which one it was causing the bumping, and in the end we drove the whole 500 miles on a tire whose tread was coming apart, but just did not fail, even under a load.  Well, some things just work out, where some things don’t. 

I have a lot of photo taking to do up here.  There is grass everywhere!  There are old buildings and bits of farm gear around, and lots of fences, and plants…  There are mountains on all sides of us.  The views are stunning and breathtaking all at once. 

This evening we let Pat guide us around for a drive.  Kit and I got in the truck and flipped a coin to decide our directions and turns.   This was an adventure we learned off our friend Pat, and so I liked to say that Pat told us to go one way or the other.  Anyhow, Pat took us south of the house, then north of the house, and finally to Franklin, which had we gone opposite to the direction we started out in and just gone straight down our road and to the highway, we would have ended up in the same spot.  But Franklin is meant to be the first city in Idaho, so it is historic, and beautiful.  Apparently the gas station there is also the first den of perdition outside of Utah in this direction, so it is very busy selling booze and Powerball Lottery Tickets.  The place is obviously a gold mine for the owners! 

I am off to Bountiful Baskets in the morning for a 7:15 AM pick up, so I had better get to sleep now.  I cannot say enough how glad I am to be here, closer to so much of my family, and in a place where life abounds, and light inspires.  I have officially gone country! 

Kelsey J Bacon

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