Last Week of October ’24

This week will be an exciting one for the kids, and for me. The girls are going Trick Or Treating on Thursday night, and I am bringing my grandson along with when we go. I am excited because I am not having joint pain, so I think I will endure it longer, and with a bigger smile than I have been able to before. Grandson is coming along because his parents plan to stay in with their new daughter that night. So, grandson will spend Thursday night at ours and as the kids here in Idaho have no school on Fridays, he will also spend his usual fortnightly Friday night over. The kids are all planning a movie night for Friday! I love seeing them all do happy stuff, so I am excited for them!

The weather has been getting cooler here on the farm in Idaho. We have been putting a fire in the stove in the mornings, and it is threatening to get cool enough to demand them in the evenings too just about every night. We are rearranging for winter. Missus has to get set up for the work she wants to do so she can do it in the places that are easiest to keep warm. She is especially excited to get back to her efforts on mastering the AVL Loom, or as I like to call it, the Big Loom. It takes up most of a room. To be fair, the footprint is like six feet by seven or something like that. Of course, you have to be able to walk around most of it to work it. It leaves a little room in the room it is in. But it sure ain’t the kind of thing I am worried about grabbing if Yellowstone blows. There is a fireplace in that same room, and it is adjacent to the room the woodstove is in, so keeping it warm is not at all a problem. But as things are tight in there, one has to prioritize what is in the space.

Meanwhile, I am going to try to fit a Roman workbench on the front porch. That is a space fairly easy to warm up in the evenings and it warms itself right up in the sunny daytime hours. I can do some work to improve that once I am in there. But I also need to be able to do some woodworking in there so I can make some looms for Missus to sell as a part of her business. We have worked out a prototype and she used the half-dozen I made her in her 4-H class, and said they worked great. I think I can do a fair bit of the work from a bench on the front porch. I just need a spot that is easy to keep warm and easy to clean. I’ll move the potter’s wheel off and put the bench in its place. I’d love to keep it up in my den, but there is that carpet up there. I don’t think the wood shavings would take to it well.

This KETO diet has definitely made some adjustments in how my body processes sugars. I had a bowl of fruit in heavy cream this morning, and it shot my blood sugars over 200, and boy, did I feel it! I did not add sugar to it or anything. It was just what the mixed berries had in it. Remember not to do that again! I will need to figure out how to offramp from this diet. I feel a little skinnier, but I definitely still have a ways to go. But wherever I arrive that I want to stop it, I don’t know how to without going all wrong. If a simple bowl of fruit and cream can do that, what would happen if I ever caved to the temptation for a Three Musketeers or something like that? And I cannot be eating virtually no carbs forever, can I? Well, maybe. A lot less, anyway. But there has to be SOME bread or crackers now and then. At the moment, I go goofy over two slices of multi-grain toast. And then there are the much more personal dietary issues. Whoa! Maybe the body just needs more time to adjust?

I have not yet finished my woodshed. The wood is still lay out, some of it fine on pallets, and some on the ground, which is not good. That’s one of the jobs I need to go get on and finish as soon as I can. As it is an unplanned building, I am going along with the thing forming in my head as I go. I know what I need to incorporate into it, such as wind braces. But each thing takes time. And there are joints to cut, and they have to be measured out right. This could be going better, and I suppose it would if I had made drawings. But on the other hand, I don’t know for sure what I need to draw. I am working it out better in the real world than I think I could do on paper. It’s a little slow, but the challenges and problems present themselves. So now I know what is reasonable and what is not. It’s a learning process. Next time I do something like this, I will know what to draw and how it should form. I won’t do like the coat rack I made that required a brace that I had not planned for, so it came out in the wrong proportions because I had to squeeze it into a small space.

Well, that’s a sufficient and sane update for the moment. Time to go get to some work.

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