Middle of the Night

Here I am awake at 4 in the morning again. I have been awake for an hour already! Where did that go? I went to the loo about an hour ago. While I was up, I shut off the alarm that sets off beeping on the weather station receivers whenever the temperature drops to 20F. That is an important alarm. Below that temperature the pipes that lead to the kitchen tap are susceptible to freezing. So I have to be sure the water is running ever so slightly to prevent that. I put it on last night before I went to bed, so that was not so important tonight, but there was other waterworks that needed to be run, so I went downstairs to sort that out. While I was there, I noticed there was a very good bed of charcoals in the woodstove, so I put more wood in to keep it going till morning. But the wood is outside in the tractor bucket so none of the bugs wake up and crawl into the house. Keep them cold, keep them dormant. Bring them in and, well. First thing I noticed when I opened the door was the little layer of snow on the ground. Not much. Maybe a half an inch or so. Just enough to make me with I had brought my slippers down with me. But I didn’t. It was a good reason to put my feet up in front of that fire a bit before coming back up to bed.

With the water run, and the alarms shut off on both weather station receivers, I came back up the stairs. A quick scour of YouTube revealed to me a channel I have never seen before. It is from an optimistic fellow who put a few videos up 13 years ago and has now apparently decided to put some work into the channel again. I have not watched any of the old videos yet, but of the three or four I watched from his new ones, it looks like there is some serious potential there. The channel had beautiful cine work, and symbols styling. It deals with the woods in his hiking and in his woodworking in Canada. It is called Woodlore.

Reminds me. I proposed an idea to Missus that I build an outdoor bench and put it in the newly formed room under the tree in the front yard and use it as a space to do some woodworking in the warmer months. I could use it as a vantage point to watch her shop from. But I also could maybe draw some attention from passersby and use it as a space for shop visitors to observe the building of furniture and such for sale. I am thinking that it is nice working outdoors but, in the shade, too. So that might be a good workspace for me, a piece of wood or two, and a few hand tools. I like the idea of the natural setting for the work, under a tree.

This summer I would like to finish the final push on my weight loss. I am doing good, but I need to drop a few more pounds. I have no idea what my weight is, but I could love to see me a bit thinner. I am already happier with where I am at so far. I’ll bet that will turn to euphoria if I can get rid of the rest of my belly.

And now you know, again, what kinds of thoughts I entertain in the middle of the night. I am going to go watch a few more of the videos from that channel and see what the old ones look like. There are some interesting thumbnails and titles about making a wood screw. I have ideas for what I can do with that skill.

You know? Maybe a fire ring out from under the tree, but also in the front yard, would be a good place to do some outdoor cooking? Make supper and do woodworking all at once. What a life!

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