Sunday Morning

The fire is crackling and hissing at me from the open door of the wood stove. There is too much water on one of the pieces of wood in it. I say ‘on’ because the wood was very dry when I picked it up from the scraps of the sawmill, but it was snowed on before being brought in to burn. The coffee is half drunk, and cooling, but still tasty. I may go into Logan to drive today. I may not. I might find it more desirable to work in the woodshop. That is how it goes here now. Missus has new orders coming in, and with any luck they will keep picking up and I can retire. Well, maybe that is pretty wishful thinking. But as it picks up, we do hope to find it easier to pay for things and bills less of a worry. But for now, it is what it is, and we tighten the belt and prioritize. That’s that. We have a place to live that we are sure of, so everything else is just bills and food to keep up with. Oh, and that damned cat meowing at the window. Why he refuses to eat at the outside cat’s bowl is beyond me, so he is a nuisance.

Yes, if I go to town, I can fill the tank and make sure this week’s transportation is assured. I can pick up a few groceries, too. That would be quite nice. I also need to get some fuel in the cans for the tractor. The snow the other day demonstrated that in a moment we might need the thing operating. And that was relatively minor as needs go. It only takes a large animal dropping dead and it is more urgent. Other reasons pop up, too.

Okay, let’s do a bit of an assessment and breakdown of why yesterday was not nearly as profitable as the day before. First off, tips. People are not tipping very well. There are a lot of orders that come from McDonald’s or Burger King or KFC that get tips along the line of two to three dollars. On top of a $2.00 Door Dash base, that does not amount to much per hour. The day before the base pay was coming in higher. Five to nine dollars, because it was Valentine’s Day, I guess. Well, that’s the kind of money a fella can make a living on. But at the lower rate, the outcome is barely enough to cover the cost of the vehicle, and not much for the driver to live on. Far less than minimum wage. Valentine’s Day was a lot better, and I was happy with the work, and the pay, all things considering. It gave me hope. But back down to the standard, it is disheartening. I put Uber on, and got a ride down to Logan both days. The first one started in Preston, so I got a $30 bonus. The second one, yesterday, started outside of Preston, and did not qualify. It’s easy to tell someone has no ideal of the cultural landscape of the area. The ride started in Franklin, effectively just as far as Preston from Logan. So, both should earn the bonus as they are both in the same Uber desert.

I put Uber on this morning and will take up some work if someone rings me to go towards Logan. If they need somewhere else, then so be it. That’s fine. It’s a Sunday, so I doubt there will be a call. But I am open.

Missus is awake and excited as she has yet another order on her Etsy store for one of the hairpin lace looms. So now we are talking about how to expand our offerings for useful tools for weavers. Time for another coffee and to get into this. It might be time to do some more work in the shop.

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I got another Uber passenger today. Effectively it was just about the same distance. but it was not in Uber’s little outline, so I did not get the $30 bonus, and with it all, I think I made about a third what I did on yesterday’s trip. Then I drove down in Logan and made less than half of yesterday’s money, despite a very similar amount of time there, and number of runs. Uber and Door Dash just were not paying out for them. So, I am back to barely earning enough to cover the expenses of doing the job. I don’t like that. It feels a bit foolish. I wish they were consistent, and they paid higher. But that doesn’t look like it is in the cards. There are still aspects I like about the work. I still like how I can schedule with Uber. But Uber has the nerve to send me on a six mile journey for $2.00. What the Hell? They trying to pay me a lot less than minimum wage by the time I have stood around waiting for an order to finish up at the restaurant and then spent the time finding some silly address. Take some townhouses I went to today. The doors and the garages are all side by side along a tiny little road. The doors have addresses, and the garages all have garage numbers. They are three digits. So there are two sets of numbers facing a person as they look for the correct address. They look the same as far as the numbering style, font, size, etc… But they don’t correlate as far as the actual number, apart from they are all three digit numbers. How stupid is this? Why do the garages have to be numbered? It just makes finding the addresses that bit more difficult. I feel for these people when they try to give directions to guests, or Uber drivers. It is completely unnecessary confusion. Who thinks this shit up? I hope they are paid well, so they don’t have to live there!

It was a fine old day before I left the house. Grandson spent the day, then his parents and sister came by to pick him up. After that, his cousin was by with her mom. We really got the visits today and loved every minute of it! So that was nice.

I don’t know what I am doing tomorrow. I should try a Sunday out in town driving. I could use the money. I have Monday, too, since that is a holiday, and some people are off. Since it is a university town, I think that applies. Maybe it would be a total waste of time. But who knows? I need to. I need to find out. I could do with some time at the lathe, or making a wooden box or something. There will come time for that on Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday, though. So…

I am tired tonight. So, I am off to bed. I am a bit bummed I did not get the groceries we needed when I was in town today. Another good reason to go tomorrow.

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Duber Driving

It is bedtime at last. I got an alert on Uber today for a ride from Preston to Logan. I could not believe it! I have been logging in for something like three weeks now and not had anything. There is a promotion running for any ride starting in Preston, and it gets a $30 bonus. So of course I was going to take it. Turned out to be a young couple who had been in a wreck in town and needed to ride to the car rental. I am glad they were not hurt.

After I got them to the place in Logan, I stayed logged in and took what came up for the next like eight hours, till I got too tired to want to carry on. As it turned out, I made about $250 all together on Uber and Door Dash. It being Valentine’s Day there were flowers to deliver for the lovers and cake and ice cream for one for the lonely. There were lines of drivers in many of the restaurants. I took orders from McDonald’s and 7/11. I took orders to couple and families and college students in dorms. I think the snow helped, honestly. Logan kept me busy today. I have got to admit, if I could earn like this every weekend, I could do this job for my hobby job and then make all week in the shop for the markets and websites. It would be good enough. I plan to go in tomorrow and see what a normal day looks like bouncing between two apps like I did today. This was really promising. We don’t need a lot to live. We want to live a lot. I am happy with how today went, overall. It was not bad for starting when I felt like it, finishing when I felt like it, taking a break when I felt like it, and going like crazy when I felt like it.

All that said, I am tired now, and need some sleep. I look forward to the freedom this has bought me to keep the Door Dash app on during the week and take a few orders here and there in Preston, then spend the rest of my time driving the girls back and forth and working in my workshop. I think this could work out to keep us fed. That would be nice.

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First real snow of 2024-2025

It snowed some before I finished up my evening chores, so I took these photos to document the first snow of the year. not 2025 as such, but the first sort of real snow of this season. We had some before, but it didn’t stay more than 24 hours. I think this one is going to stay maybe 48 or so. There is probably more on the ground outside right now, as it is later as I write this.

Pretty fair chance of more snow by the looks of this map of the western US right now.

I chopped up some of the wood that was lay out on the sawmill’s scrap pile today, and we have been keeping warm with that rather than taking from the last of the firwood pile. The wood is good and dry and is burning nicely. In fact, you can see some of it under the tractor bucket in the snow gallery up above.

There was only one delivery to take out today. I am going to have to go work in Logan this weekend.

Speaking of earning money, Missus had a sale from her website proper yesterday. WE have got to dig out what the person bought and mail it tomorrow. It was exciting to see something sell right off her website! She got traffic! And an order! No Etsy fees! So, this is great news! She has to ship out a weaving kit and it has to be delivered right down in Logan, funny enough. The order was placed by someone in California. So, definitely funny enough.

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Here Comes the Snow!

I would bet that from the time I took this screenshot till the time I got it on my computer, cropped and saved it, then FOUND where it had saved it to, the storm had moved from the position pictured to on top of us. Or nearly. My computer being a pain in the backside!

Herre comes the storm. It promises at the moment to drop more than 6 inches on us before midnight. It looks like it could. It is on an easterly by a tidge north easterly track, putting it on us absolutely. As usual, it will be interesting to see how the forecast works out, however, I think this one will produce. It doesn’t look like it is going to fake us out, as so often seems to happen. We had one recently that was meant to drop a load of snow on us, and all it did was rain.

We have some firewood on the pile, but there could do with being a lot more. I could cut some up, or I could see about just putting a bunch where it can fit under the cover and cut it later. With this storm moving in fast, that might be a better option. I have badly cut boards that would be good to burn. They could do with bringing over then cutting with the circular saw. Much safer and easier to mess about with than the chainsaw. So that’s a thought. One way or another I need to go out, in the cold, and mess about with this. It is the in the cold part I am not looking forward to. But who wants the cold in the house? Not me! So, it has to be done!

That’s my plan for today. Also, keeping the delivery apps running. I am not making much at the moment. But I just need enough. That’s all anyone could really ask for, isn’t it?

It is hard to believe that the snow that comes today will put down on grassy fields. Our place is clear of snow. That is not a normal February here, to me. It happens, I guess. But I record these entries, so they are there as the anecdotal record of what the weather is up to. My weather station only tells a part of the story, after all. Also, Thomas Jefferson kept daily entries in his journal, and I feel in a way I am relating to him in a human way. And with that, I think the time has come for coffee and to begin to build courage up against the cold. Last mention: The temperature forecast suggests we will be free of what falls soon after. Again, we shall see!

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But Snow!

As I write this first thing in the morning it is 7 degrees out according to the Peasant’s Manor Weather Station. It is meant to be like this again tomorrow, too. After that, the temps are meant to rise, bringing up the midday temperatures along with, and over the course of a couple of day we should see almost balmy weather. But there is snow coming with it!

This screenshot looks a bit small and blurry, and the image resize draggers are not letting me change a thing. Oh well, I am often not impressed with how a computer functions, and my patience reflects that, and so does the size and clarity of this screenshot. Once into the mid 30’s the shop is in my humble opinion, accessible. When it is below freezing, I do not really enjoy it. It is not just that the room is cold, but also the metal on the tools is hard on the hands. It’s not fun. Gloves are an option, and suit fine when it is urgent, but it’s no good for proper woodworking where the tactile feel of the wood finish is such an integral part of the process.

Oh! Speaking of woodworking! I am told that someone ordered one of the hairpin lace looms from the Etsy shop again. That’s two! We are able to make these things pretty cheap, and pass that savings on to the customer, but I try to put a nice finish on them, making them from bamboo skewers and a piece of cherry wood that I picked up for free somewhere. So the things are costing us less than a dollar in materials, and I put fairly minimal labor into them. But she is able to price them around $18 each, and they are still loads less expensive than anything else out there on the market. And the others are made from bent wire and plastic. I get a more elegant option, feeling more like a traditional hand tool, a more pleasant tactile experience, and even at the low, low sale price right now of $10, they are profitable for us, and a good buy for our customers. They also will hopefully get people thinking of our little business and return to us.

I should probably keep kicking out every weaving tool imaginable. Do them from inexpensive wood, simplify the design and build process, but make something that is still handmade from wood, and with a pretty decent finish. Make them less expensive and get people doing the work they want for a more affordable price. The hairpin lace loom being just an example of what’s possible.

It would be cool to map out where my work goes after it ships. I’d like to see where the things my hands have made have gone around. It’s kind of exciting!

One thing’s for certain. I am inspired by it to get out to the shop and make more things. I like the idea of creating useful stuff.

Well, the alarm just went off, and I suspect I’d enjoy a coffee right now. I was up a little bit ago and put wood in the fire and opened the damper a bit, so it ought to be a bit warmer downstairs than it was then, which really wasn’t bad at all considering how cold it is outside. Good day!

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Home Made Atmosphere

Atmosphere. There is a normal morning sun rising soon over the horizon, but it is still not quite where any sort of direct sunlight is visible, leaving it fairly dark in the house. My coffee is next to me, and two beeswax candles, a smelly candle, and a lantern are lit in my immediate vicinity, as well as there being fresh wood on the fire. Missus did not sleep at all last night, so she is just paying down for a nap, not past 11:00! So, I made the atmosphere soothing and firelit, then got the bright screen of my laptop in my face. Well, despite that, it is pretty nice this morning, and very relaxing, apart from the sound of William Riker talking from the craft room.

I checked on the llama after taking the girls to school. The poor dear is still holding on. She is closer, but despite being completely unable to move, she can still wiggle her head, some. I am not happy that she is still alive. I’d like her to make the slip and let it be. With her arthritis, in her hips, life has not got much left to offer her. She should go. It is time. But how do I convince her of that? I am not going to do it myself. She will go when she is ready.

Okay, onto that coffee next to me!

Have you ever tried salt in your coffee? I am not talking about putting a lot. A wet fingertip dipped slightly into the salt is enough, then stir it into the drink. It is just enough to neutralize the acid in it and makes the coffee taste so much smoother. Knocking that bitterness off makes it so much more enjoyable. Some cups are barely tolerable. I still drink them when I have them. So, they are not going to waste. But the experience is. Coffee is nothing if not meant to be enjoyed. I cannot bear a bitter cup. The salt that goes in is not enough to taste it. It is only enough to kill the acidity.

There will be some time before it is warm enough to tolerate being outside. I am not being pushed by profitability, so I will go when that happens. Meanwhile, a little rest, some breakfast, and the dishes all require my attention. Next is the rest. My joints feel a little wanting of it.

Bebe Neuwirth is in the episode of Star Trek playing in the other room. Riker is being held by an alien race and she, one of them, wanted him to give her the key, so to speak, to unlock the door. Remember kids. Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question; the answer is yes! Especially when Bebe is involved.

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Short and Sweet

You know how everyone always remembers to call Twitter by the new name, “X” now? The Gulf of Mexico. That’s that. Maybe the Gulf of X. And I am done with that. What a stupid thing to do. And no, I will not be dressing up in Gulf of America regalia and dancing in a puddle.

So, the llama is still alive. I turned another bowl on the lathe today, but this one has a lid on it. I am pretty happy with that. I did some time signed in to deliver today. There was only one delivery. But oh well. It was something. I brought our youngest with.

There are two days of very cold weather ahead, then we are set to warm up to mid 40’s soon after. Nice! Shop time!

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Delivery Offerings Status Change, and Llama Still Hanging On

It’s Monday morning. The llama is still alive out there in her paddock. So, no moving a body yet today. Ah, life on the farm. Also, the kids are off to school, I have laundry to do, and a shower to take, but none of that till after breakfast.

Uber is starting a promotion and says to me that Uber Eats is now active in Preston. If I take any orders between now and Sunday, I get to take part in the promotion, which is that they will pay me $30 each time I take an order starting in the zone marked on the map, which is Preston. Well, no shit I’ll take that. Most exciting of all, the Uber app lets me go online for orders and just BE online for orders. Door Dash does not. It makes me wait till orders are starting to come in before I can go online for them, so I cannot be notified about orders till I notice on their little map that they are getting orders. If i am not looking at the map, I cannot go online, thus cannot get the orders. In other words, I have to babysit the app just to know when I can go online. Uber, It’s just an on and off switch. Nice. I’ll do that. So, I am going to go online after I finish some chores and then take whatever comes this whole week. $30 each for the first five, then $15 each for the next five. Time to be at home in the shop? Sounds like what I was looking for on the time part.

Maybe nothing will come in all week. Maybe only one or two. Who knows. The point for me is that I can be online, and work in my shop, then take the orders as they come. But once this promotion is over, if the orders come in at $2 per, it might not be worth leaving the house. So let’s see how it goes. I still have no idea why I got paid $37 for the one from Preston to Franklin the other day. Pay like that is worth leaving the house for! But Uber gave me a $10 promotional payment after, making that a $47 run in total for me. Weird. But yeah! Nobody is going to pay that kind of money for a food delivery. But I do want fair compensation. It has not been doing that in Logan, so I don’t have high hopes for the long run.

Meanwhile, I plan to work in the shop this week. I need to get some things ready for Market. I have to do the damn near impossible. Make things, then SELL them. But when I make them, they are mine, and I don’t want to sell them! Like that bowl I made yesterday. I love that thing! It is lovely! So, it will stay in my collection. Now I have to make a better one. How in the hell am I going to let it go once it is made? I don’t know! I also have a kid with a birthday coming up in a week. I have ideas on what I can do for that.

So, this is a week I look forward to. I am eager to see how things turn out. With a market right here in town coming up, I may be able to help Missus set up, then go online with Uber for that. No biggie if I pop off for a bit, is it? Earnings upon earnings! Potentially. I mean, Uber says Uber Eats is now live in Preston. how will anyone know that? Will there be any orders at all?

About done with breakfast now while I type this. Next off to start readying for the day and week. We are down to one chicken. Obviously, they are not going to work out in an outside coop. I will have to keep any future chickens in the old coop with a covered run if I am to keep making eggs here on the place. I’ll be down a llama in a day or two. She is definitely on her way out. That’s less hay. I will change the future coop practices if we go into chickens again, which, given egg prices! Yeah. Meanwhile, we will see how the current set of work offerings with the delivery services and the markets work out. We need to earn some money.

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Turn a Bowl, Lose a Llama

I turned a little bowl today. It gave me a little trouble, but I got it in the end. Boy! Did I ever! What a laugh! It blew out a bit of pith at the end, and so it was pretty much past the point of repair. So I turned another one. I took what I learned from the first and put that to use on the second, and this is what I came up with.

Is it a dreamy bit of perfection? No! But it is good enough to make me happy for a fir… second try! I will need to work on my sharpening skills on the turning tools, but it is my best so far. It might also be because of the wood being walnut. I’ll check out the wood I have got and see if there are any more appropriately sized for another try. I’d also like to do a plate for myself. I might have to make it usable for eating off of. That would mean using a different oil! The oil I used on this bowl is boiled linseed oil. Whatever oil I need to use has to be raw because of the chemicals added to them for the boiling process. I will no doubt use olive oil. Good time to get out my 18th century cutlery set!

I could not do any of the woodturning till I finished cleaning a load of stuff off the shop floor. It was such a mess!

I’ll give one of the llamas, Mystique, till morning, then I think she will have died. I have been kind of waiting for this. She is older, and she has had pretty bad arthritis in her hips for several years. In fact, whomever sold her to us probably saw the early signs and took advantage by putting her up for sale. I don’t know for sure, but she has had it that about that long. She is laying out in her little shed now, and from the looks of her, she is on her way out. That will be the second we have lost over this winter. I am sure I will be firing up the tractor tomorrow morning to move her across the street to the bone pile. Sad day.

I did the washing up today. It was a big pile! I need to go back in in half an hour and do the pots and pans. That will be nice. It is cold in here, and I could do with the warm water to warm my hands up. There is this warm coffee to make my hands comfy for now.

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