Shed Raising!

Over the weekend the boys and Katrina and I all tackled a big project.  We put up a 10 foot by ten foot by ten foot barn style wood shed to the side of the house.  It came flat packed in a kit, all pre-cut, and ready to install.  The only thing we had to do prior was build up a level spot on the ground for it to stand on, and now that it is done, we only have to paint it.  It was a big project, and took us all of Saturday and Sunday to do.  Of course, if we were Amish, we’d of had it done by noon on Saturday!  Now I feel totally ashamed! 


The retaining wall at the side of the drive extends out over the arena.


Part of the wall is held in place by six foot T-bars hammered all the way into the ground till the ends are even with the railroad crossties. 


And one point is held by another railroad crosstie that is buried three and a half feet into the ground, and then cut off.  Then rocks were filled in on the places where the ties didn’t quite reach to the sand. 


Finally the retaining walls were backfilled and the fill was leveled off, before concrete pieces were set down as a foundation.  Then the floor frame was places on top.


Here is a typical image of Dylan working, and Jordan sat down daydreaming.


Can the boys build a shed?  Yes!  They Can-can!


We built the back wall late Saturday, and found it still there on Sunday morning after some strong winds!


Some finishing touches meant the back wall was ready to move out of the way.


Then the gaffer came out to keep us going on the side walls and onward.


Next we took a break from the camera and put up all the walls in a bit of wind, and got focused on the roof supports before we thought to pick it up again!  Yes, there I am, putting screws in at the top of the side wall!


This is to show that I am not that tall that I can reach the top of the wall while standing flat-footed, unless I am standing on the ladder!


The older kids love hanging out on the newly installed loft.  It was good of them to test its strength rather than us risking putting stuff up there that might have fallen through an untested loft floor!


My jobs are the high risk ones, and also figuring out why the wife keeps photographing my backside!  So I installed the roofing panels with a bit of help from people who were only allowed to stand on the loft.


Judging from that hairdo, I think I just figured out why the missus kept photographing my backside!


Jordan holding a piece in place while daydreaming about getting on the roof and seeing what he can see!


Though I was exhausted, I took the challenge of putting on the side panels on the roof, and got ‘er done!  All that is left is paining and roofing shingles!  We got to this, from…


…this.  (The shed in the back of the Ford on Friday night.)  The weekend saved us a thousand dollars on assembly fees!

Now the question is, will we build a cupola for the top, or not?  Personally, I’d love to!  It would really add something to it, I think!  Especially when it has the traditional red and white barn paint heading for it! 

In other news, it was JJ’s fifteenth birthday on Monday.  On that same day, two duck eggs hatched, and the chickens laid three yummy eggs!  Another duck egg hatched on Tuesday! 

After such an amazing few days, it was nice to have newborn animals joining our little farm.  After all, I was feeling like I had been slaughtered! 


Momma and her Monday ducklings.


Here’s Tuesday’s duckling, still messy from inside the egg, and hardly able to walk.

And finally,yesterday,  I was able to pick up the camera and shoot some shots just for the fun of it!




Kelsey J Bacon

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