Somethings Special

It’s a Sunday morning. The fire is going in the stove, and I have a lovely cup of tea next to me as I type this. It is from a teapot. If you know your English teas, then you know that brewing in a pot is better than in a cup. I woke up to the briefest of mentions of some exciting news today. My mother-in-law and sister-in-law may be out come July. Nothing in stone yet, but at least it is being thought of. That would be really cool. I have not seen mum since 2012, just before we moved up here to Idaho! Ans sis is always wonderful to see. She has been out a couple of times since we moved up here, and I love having her about. She gets involved with things and is always helpful. But if they both come for a visit, I think it would be wonderful to see them. The English think of themselves as world travelers. It would be lovely to see them more, then.

It is a Sunday morning. The fire is going in the stove, and I have a lovely cup of tea next to me. The cups and pot are ceramic. Nothing too fancy, but fancy for us. I am thinking of how else I can market the open house I set up for my wife’s business. It would be great to get some people through the door. It has been so frustrating for her to open her shop up most days then have nobody come by. I want that to change for her. I want it changed now. The ringers on the doors have died, and we have to sort her out so they will ring again. The shop is small, and no place to plan to hang around for a whole day waiting to see if someone comes. Se we have a fix in the works, batteries to arrive on Tuesday. Till then, we are closed. But if we can get people coming over on Thursday, and even just a little traffic that she can manage, then even that could be worth opening for.

I am also thinking on building an outdoor workbench. I could work under the willow tree and then watch for customers there in the good weather. I would not mind so much working outside. that could be really nice. It could also serve as a means of advertising. What could be better than building primitive furniture with primitive tools under a tree? Fresh pile of lumber close at hand. I think it could make a lovely picture.

I am excited to see what becomes of our lavender that we put in in the autumn. I can see some ideas in my head if we can get that to grow. I know Missus has ideas, too. But I would like to see a little larger shop in for her, and she could make the trailer one she can transport to venues. I think it would be lovely to have a little lavender field in front of a little shop. I know there was the concern before about a shop that side being too far back. But visibility is always going to be a problem for her. It is now, with the trailer. I think we could make it a space that is more accommodating year-round though! If we can get some money coming in, then we can set up properly on a last building. Of course, the county will oppose us having anyone through the doors. Maybe the shop itself can be outdoors? I don’t know. I have to admit, the ‘rules’ are opposed to anything for small business. It’s like how the state’s SEC rules don’t allow a person to do peer to peer lending unless they are basically millionaire’s then only a small amount. They are protecting us from risk, they say. They are Republicans, I say! What the Hell?

Okay, I think I better get up and moving and go get something done. Anything! IT is a fine time of a day to have a day.

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