I don’t keep a god of any kind, so I know this was not meant for me. But at just about six this morning lightning struck the field just behind our house, reminding that the storm does not have to be close by.
The map above shows all the lightning nearby. The little information mark shows our place. The red dot next to it is where this morning’s loud crackle of thunder originated that woke me and at least one of the girls right up from our sleep.
This second image is the close up on the strike. Assuming now that the system that detects strikes is pretty accurate at the least, that spot is about 725 feet from the center of our house.
The rest of the lightning strikes measured on the map are over at Franklin, which is five miles away.
I did double check the field to make sure there was no tractor or cow laying in the field after. Lucky the field was empty. There was a herd of dairy cows there just last night.
That electrifying moment beyond us now, it is time for coffee. Looks like I am awake for now.