Thomas Jefferson’s Report

Today is February 1st. It has been raining last night. It is 33.5 degrees right now, so cold enough for snow, but when I looked out, there was no snow. We were meant to be getting three inches with this storm. Nothing yet on the ground. What a strange February 1st. I hac a local tell me this is normal. In my 12 years here in this part of Idaho, I started out walking at this time of year with the top of the fence almost to my elbow, and not the same fence is at my head. The snow levels are not the same as they once were. They were like that often in the beginning, but they have most definitely tapered off. Is this the effect of me not having seen as many winters here as the lifer? Or is it the lifer in denial that there is a change in the weather?

The average temperature for January in Preston since 1991 is 21.8F. Today is meant to get to 39F. Averages would include overnight temps and the coldest days, so the spread is not alarming. But it is not on the low end of the trend, either. I wonder if it will be sunny or not? If it is sunny, our front porch will produce plenty of heat to keep the house warm by just opening the door. If not, then the fire will be required for most of the day, but while it is above 35, there is almost no demand. A log or two continuously burning ought to be enough.

That’s my Thomas Jefferson for the day.

I did get two deliveries yesterday. I made nearly $14 for them both. Not too bad. It paid most of what I needed in milk and half and half. It could have been better. It could have been a lot better. I still have not seen a single offer from Uber. Door Dash barely pays for its space on the phone. It would be lovely if I could get more deliveries and make enough to cover the bills. But it is not looking like I will be able to from here at the house. Maybe I will need to drive down to Logan and spend the day sometime and see if these apps light up for my being there. I don’t know if they will or not.

I keep avoiding the shop because of the cold outside. This said in spite of the relatively warm weather. I wish I was braver against the cold. But being outside in the shop and working in the cold and holding cold tools is not a great way of spending the day, and using the sense numbing cold tools is no way to work safely. I have tried the Roman workbench in the front porch, and I kind of like it. I need to put together some jigs for it. I feel crowded out there, and like I need to be constantly cleaning wood shavings because of it. I think I need a table or something to go along with in order to put parts and tools down on in reach. Then I think it will do. I am not far off. I do lack a place to securely hold a piece while I saw it. I mean for things like dovetails, not long boards.

I think I could be making candle boxes and the like for the candle shop. I did see an amazing video showing how to make pipes for an organ. I am not going to lie, I would like to try a pipe or two and see if I can make them whistle. That would be cool. I can think of a couple of entertaining uses. But that would be just for fun. I would like to get the box making practice though, for sure. I would also like to make a table for the house. I need the experience. I need the practice there, too. So, there are some things to smile about and get on with it.

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