Trying to Knock Off for a Mid-winter’s Nap

Nothing like waking up only minutes after falling asleep and finding oneself a pretty darned sight not sleepy anymore. Boy! So, Garrison Keillor is telling the News from Lake Woebegone. and I have been trying to focus on that and go back to sleep. But I gave in and ate some carbs before bed, and now I am feeling hungry. Had I not, I would no doubt be sleeping peacefully by now, or if not, at least I’d be more comfortable, and could think of something else. But the carbs leave a pain the belly, and that gets interpreted as hunger pains. Be it or not, I sure feel it. So, I will try to ignore it and go back to sleep here again in a few minutes.

I put together an event in my wife’s webpage today with a plug-in that allows free and paid events with ticket sales. I then put that on Facebook, and I have a half a dozen responses for it so far with Interested and Going responses together. That is more than I have been able to get to reply to anything else I have put up on the Facebook page. I have little confidence in Facebook because I have posted information for the businesses before and got nothing. So this is significant. I’ll see how it goes and if I can figure out a way to keep pushing the Open House for her and get someone to show up to it on Thursday. Just look up Antiquary Artisan on Facebook and see the Open House next Thursday to know what I am on about.

I cut up some more firewood today and put some on the woodpile and some in the tractor bucket. It is set to be wintery cold tonight and for four nights in total before it should come back up again. I was not even in bed yet before the alarm went off to tell me about the freezing temperatures getting extreme enough to solidify the pipes leading to the kitchen tap. It’s 11:30 in the evening and the temperature is already down to 7.4F. That’s pretty cold to you and me.

So I have heat pouring off the woodstove and will be able to put some more in later tonight if I wake again later. If no, then Missus can, as I have a few pieces on the rack next to the stove. The rest is out in the bucket still, and I will have to go out and get it when the wood on the rack is gone. There are worms on the wood outside, and the pieces I put in were from a piece that has been lay around here for quite some time now. I think it is Russian Olive. That stuff cuts up and looks like maple but is quite a bit darker. But it tends to show the same rays across the medullary splits. It is quite hard, too. I might have to work with it sometime in the shop. But not this piece. It is going to keep the house warm while the temperatures drop tonight to an anticipated 0F. Tomorrow it is meant to drop to -2F. Cold! What a thing it is to have proper winter temperatures here again! It’ll be warmer again by Thursday. But still chilly like it was today. Not summer. Just laughably cool like it has been so far this winter. I have so often said it would not be so bad if the winters here were like Denver when I was growing up, and now it almost is. Yet, it could still warm more. I am nervous for what summer will bring, though.

Well, let’s see if a couple of melatonin tablets will just knock me over to sleep now. I hope so! They usually keep me till around two or three in the morning. It is easy to wake though, and a good night’s sleep is to be or not based on my bladder.

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