What a Dollar Can Buy: Peace!

My wife moved to America from England, not knowing just what a dollar could buy, but today she found out that a dollar can buy hours and hours of peace!  Today the boys had a dollar each to get into the local community pool.  It is an outdoor arrangement with a lifeguard and total sunshine!  The boys love that it is so cheap, and of course so do their parents!  It is close to the house too, and I don’t mind giving them a ride to and from, especially as it is getting to hot out these summer days. 

The pool gets the kids out for a several hours at a time, giving us all that time to have a little peace and serenity around the house.  But the fun for the grown ups doesn’t stop there!  When the boys come home…


…it’s Jones Town, the morning after! 

I highly recommend the local community pool! 

Kelsey J Bacon

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