I moseyed out of the house this evening when there were no orders coming through on Door Dash and walked into the shop. I saw the stool I started for Missus as a warping stool for the big loom. It is not the greatest finish at all, but the shape and size will hopefully put her right where she needs to be to do her work. It needed a couple of coats of paint on it to call it finished. I brought it into the house so the temperature would be better for it and mixed up a small batch of black milk paint. I coated it with that, then after it dried, I mixed up some red. That has one coat on it drying now. I expect I will put on one more coat tomorrow.
I put Uber on when I got down to Utah on my route to pick up the kids from their bus stop. It lit up. It lit up more than it did when it showed me the red zone in Rexburg a week ago. That was the only other time I have seen anything show up on it. So, maybe I can go down there and work? I don’t know. Nothing showed up in Logan. All I saw was in the region from Ogden to Provo. I’ll have to see what it looks like when we go down there next. Maybe the thing will light up. If so, I will be going there to work and try to earn some money. I am not earning enough in the old hometown in a week to pay a day’s worth of overdraft fees. Let’s see what’s what.
Missus had an appointment with a doctor today to finalize her treatment for her kidney issue. That’s the thing, she finalized it! She is no longer required to take antibiotics or do blood tests and EKG readings. We will hopefully be able to keep her healthy and from doing a trip like this again.
I am listening to a reading of the resignation letter of General Mark Milley right now. Obviously, Trump is wanting him charged. Believe you me, between the two men, I support Milley. That man has served this nation for a lifetime. He has earned his way to where he got to, and he did so through service and training, and sacrifice and more. Right now, we have a President who is proposing war crimes to take over the Gaza Strip. He is a real estate developer. For fuck’s sake, how is this not another violation of the emolument’s clause of the Constitution? It is as plain as can be that his intent is to do such a thing for his own benefit. There are 2.1 million people living there now. Relocation is illegal. I will say it out loud at last, I do think the President will be impeached again, and I do think it will come to the Republicans to do it in the end. I mean, if any of them have the balls to stand up for anything at all. But then, dismantling the government and destroying American influence around the world may well be what they have wanted all along.
Okay, off to bed now. I have a stool to finish in the morning and would like to get something new going soon. The mother of a good friend is being remembered tomorrow. I cannot be there, and I am sad for that. But I will be thinking on her, and what a wonderful lady she was, and the way she smiled and was supportive to us as kids. Farewell Ma Stewart!