The coming week promises via the weather app a few really warm ones. We are meant to hit the 90’s right in the middle! Then it is meant to get a little cooler at the end of the ten day forecast, which is pretty much useless because it is so far out that it gets difficult to model with the computers.

I had forgotten what it was I thought of earlier in the year as a great birthday idea for Missus, but it was easy to find her something nice and useful to her. I set her up with two complete wire working jigs and extra little knobby things for shaping in them.

It came back to me what she needed on Sunday. So I took right to it, and ordered her a wool picker to use on the llama fiber. Bing-badda-boom! That shipped yesterday, so should be here soon. I got it off Etsy, so it is a homemade jobby. But if it does what we need, and the guy who did it worked out the troubles I had with the concept of it, then it ought to be great. If it can handle the amount of fiber we need to work, it ought to be great.

I have some photographic gear coming tomorrow. Nothing big, just a beauty dish I would like to experiement with, and the power cords to replace the British ones that came with the lights I had picked up while living in the UK. There is also another rubber eye rest for the camera. Anyway, I am looking forward to their getting here, and being able to work with the lights again for the first time in ten years.

My biggest next step is meant to be paying off PayPal and sorting out student loan payments again, and then saving some money aside to finally get a tractor for this old farm so we can get serious about working it, or at least keeping it in shape. I once read a fellow who said that anyone who is serious about farming has got to have a tractor. To all you homesteaders out there, or future ones, plan on it. Count on it. Bank on it. We have acerage we have done nothing with but use as pasture for our livestock. Even that has been bad as the grass there needs to be redone from the roots up. As we are now, we have got no chance. And I don’t even mention any other kind of vegetation growing, nor things like snow removal, a huge deal, or firewood handling and compost scooping, or digging jobs or anything like that. I have gardens that could use a larger tiller, and driveways that want a better road bed. And guess who is in a panic if any large animal dies? Yup… The guy who has got to go out and get it loaded on a trailer and hauled off to the dump.

I am sore today. Used to be that every morning that I would wake up in so much pain that I way lay there a spell and think the thoughts aging people think, like, “surely it’s cancer. That’s how I am going to die, isn’t it? I am going in misery, and this is just the beginning.” Now days cancer has gotten replaced by Coronavirus. At least there is variety in life!

As I was saying, I am sore today. I took the day easy yesterday, and sort of celebrated how clean the house is by trying out feeling like there is nothing prodding at me to be done. There is. There is a lot, and I need to get to it. Ihave shop swaps to do, and some work to finish in the craftroom and both bathrooms. I have a seat that needs building in front of the window in the library, and some seats that need to be built out on the front porch. There is painting to do, and electrical installations. I have things to do.

So what will be on today’s list? Let’s see what I can get up to!

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