
I have got to remember next year that when we put the Christmas bedding on, keep a proper duvet or comforter on the bed, and use the Christmas one as only a decorative on in the days and take it off at nights. That thing is awful to sleep under, gets too hot, and I get a bad night’s sleep. Point proven when we changed the bedding yesterday and I slept much better last night. Our youngest woke me at midnight-thirty, not feeling well, and that started me off on two hours of lying awake. When Missus got up at 4AM, I went back to sleep quickly, and even with all that, I got a much better night’s sleep.

But enough about me. Yes, that is two children not feeling well yesterday, though at different times. I was out of it a bit, too. It seems to be an eight-hour bug, or so. Both daughters have lost their lunches and felt a bit better, though their heads were still complaining. I never lost lunch but felt nauseous and headachy. Well, I am feeling better today, and oldest daughter is too, though she is still wanting to rest a bit. Youngest is not great, so I will put her to her bed after schooling, then I plan to go off to Smithfield Implement to get a few things.

My shopping list at Smithfield Implement are a couple of Kilner jars, a few power strips to use to try to discourage the dogs chewing from the smaller cables coming out of the outlets, and a crock to make sauerkraut with.

The dogs made it through the night last night with fewer accidents in the house than ever. I am really eager to get them trained to only go outside. Eventually it might be nice if they can come up the stairs and sleep where we do. But not till the stop leaving bombs and slippy spots on the floors.

It’s a couple of weeks shy of mid-winter now. It is not as cold as it has been in the past, and the winds have settled in the upper atmosphere to a straight east and west line, bouncing the highs and lows over the ten-day forecast in a near straight pair of highs and lows in the low thirties down to the high twenties. There is not much variety to come, and the wet seems to be over. It was a good break from the drought, but I fear it was not the end. I seriously need to adapt this farm to a new situation as the place becomes drier than in the past.

Hoomeschool: Youngest is lay down where she can hear teacher but is unable to participate. She is not feeling well. Not something I could do when I was a kid!

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