The Lumber Mill

I was checking my e-mail today when the notification of shipment finally came through for the lumber mill. I say finally, but I only ordered the thing a week ago. When I did, the website said that everything could be shipped within a week. Great! Then I saw that it could take twenty-four to forty-eight hours for the tracking number to become active on the carrier website. No worries. That is still great news! That’s what I thought till I decided to go ahead a run a track on it anyway. When I did, it said that it had left Portland, Oregon and gone through Salt Lake City and was on its way to the destination terminal, which I know from experience to be Pocatello, from which things usually ship to Idaho Falls, where it catches a ride via Salmon River Stages to my house. Typically, that could be either Tuesday or a week from now based on how this has gone with other items in the past.

I’m not ready!

It snowed!

There is a trailer where I expect to put the thing temporarily, and there are piles… Mountains! of snow where I intend for it to live permanently!

Then comes today. I don’t feel well after lunch and wonder if it was the chicken.

The weather is on the down right now, and it won’t be till Tuesday that decent weather comes again. Mind you, Cache Valley decent is still below 40F. But I’ll take 39!

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