A Happy Saturday

Today was a fine old day!  We got up this morning and got a lot of chores and cleaning done in time to take the afternoon off from just after 1:00PM.  After a quick lunch, and certainly not a healthy one, I went out to the arena with the boys and we carefully saddled up Umber and walked her around long enough to decide she is okay.  Dylan was first to brave her, and I walked him and Umber into the arena and around a little bit before letting them go on their own.  As it turns out, Umber is better with a saddle on her and a person on back than when she is being led by her lead rope. 

Both Dylan and Jordan rode around on her extensively, ahs she handled like a dream for them, apart from the one dash she made for a fence, which scared Dylan to the point he bailed out on her.  He hit the ground pretty hard, and tried to bugger off to his friend’s house after.  But I told him that if he were going to die of internal bleeding, it would be at home, and not at his friend’s house!  So he stayed long enough to ride again.  No more running on try number two. 

Now for the best bit…  Pardon the pun!  But she had only a halter on her head.  She didn’t even have a harness and bit.  If she rides so well without, then we figure that she will be even better with the proper gear. 

After the horsing around, and eating supper, Missus and I cleaned out her art studio and arranged things better for her out there.  I We also have come up with some more ideas for the place, and for The Prospering Peasant, such as making logs out of old card that she has recovered in our recycling but cannot use in her art. 

I also found some cast iron wares that I need to clean up and season tomorrow.  One bit is a Dutch Oven, which ought to make cooking interesting and fun as we learn how to use it! 

Kelsey J Bacon

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