All In A Night’s Sleep

Time for sleep.  No problem.  Count some sheep.  That ought to send me right off to sleep. 




I wonder what kind of sheep we will get in the spring?  I have got to get that fencing done by then, or they will all get out of the pasture.  They will overgraze it for sure, just like the goats have done, so I cannot leave the goats in there, can I?  If I send the goats out to work the sides of the road, they ought to stay pretty well fed, if it is a rainy summer, that is.  Of course, if it’s not, then I’ll be lucky!  I will enlarge the area along the side of the road when I put in the permanent fence, so that should help them.  But I don’t want to cut back too much from where the cows will be eating on the other side.  What will I charge the guy who leases from us for his cows this year?  Is that a mouse running around the room again?  Oh yes, there is it!  I have got to reset that trap!  Is there no end to them?  Must get poison!  Get your furry little ass out of here!  How am I going to afford fencing for the pasture where the cows are AND for the other pasture for the sheep to live in?  I also will need some places for young cows to live and feed for their first couple of months!  Oh, I wonder if the feed for the cow’s bottles is till $75 per bag?  I am going to need a lot of those if we are going to try to start five or ten cows this summer, or more…  How many cows will we try to start?  I sure don’t want any of them to die if we put all that money into them.  Plus there will be redecorating to do this summer.  I have got to remember to have the second installment of property taxes ready for June.  Irrigation bills will come due too!  When is the insurances due on the house and the truck?  Stupid mouse is back!  How many times is it going to show its head?  Wait a minute, wasn’t I counting something? 




I cannot believe my little girl is five years old.  How quickly they grow!  Just like that damned mouse again!  Maybe we need an indoor cat!  Where did that mouse trap go that I emptied out earlier today?  I need it so that mouse can climb into it for me! 


Is she really going to turn six this summer?  All new winter clothes for next year.  We’ll need jackets and gloves, and missus can crochet hats and scarves, but all that wool costs so much! 

What was I counting?

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