An Offer You Can’t Refuse…

My wife received a credit card offer in the post today that I had to scan a part of and put online for all of my American family and friends to see first hand.  This is the type of thing that any of you should come to expect if you want to live in the UK, and mind you, I have seen MUCH higher interest rates on offer through otherAPR companies. 

Mind you that my wife works a good job and has great credit!

And they call this an offer?

There are terms for these terms in America, but I would not use those terms among rude company, much less the polite society I am accompanied with. 

There is a company here called Provident, who literally advertises 187% interest rates.  How can terms like this be legal?  By the time you take into account the cost of a product after you have paid taxes on your earnings, sales tax of VAT, and then interest on a credit card purchase, then you understand fully my friends why the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor!  In those terms, NO credit card is worth its “convenience.” 

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