Back to Work

The grandparents are back down from Idaho, and I am back to work as more than just a daddy, and a husband, but also a grandchild and a chauffeur as well as a handy man and and whatever else is needed.  This week the baby and I are going to load into the car and drive my grandparents up to Idaho to help them load up some stuff and close down the house for the winter.  It will make a nice road trip for Kiry and daddy, at alst, and a chance to get out and see the house up there, in the fall weather, maybe in the snow!  It has snowed up there already this year!  Yes, this is truly when my work a day life gets going for me! 

We are all doing well at the moment, and that is good.  We have had some worries about our chicken flock as one of them was killed recently, and others keep running out beyond the boundaries of the yard and into open desert. It would be not nice to find them laying around dead out there where the coyotes or the bobcats or neighbor dogs could get them!  But these are some of our worst worries as long as everyone is getting along.

Kelsey J Bacon

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