Black Friday

I rolled out of bed around 7:00 this morning, despite the two hours lay awake last night.  I woke up around 1:00 AM in the morning, thinking how funny it was that I could not at all remember going to bed and falling asleep last night.  I am amazed at the hangover I had without the party!  Work around the house finished by lunchtime, and a hearty lunch stuffed in our gullets, we took off for the Mormon Mesa, and to an earthen artwork called “Double Negative,” by Michael Heizer.  The forty bucks of diesel we put in the truck before we went up the mesa should more than last us all week. 

After coming back down, we went right into Overton and shopped at True Value, and had our ritual visit to the library.  For retailers, this may be Black Friday and they may be jamming to AC/DC’s Back In Black.  They can have it!  And anyone shopping today, knowing that this is the biggest retail day of the year in the U.S., well, I think it was far too beautiful of a day today to pen even the sheep up! 

The highlight of our day was when a neighbor called up to tell us that two of our pheasants were in her yard.  We brought cages, and borrowed a net from her, and after some amusing times watching the boys chase the pair across the desert on foot…  Did you know that a pheasant can reach 60 miles on hour in flight?  Jordan actually managed to net the male, and we caged him and brought him home!  The pheasant, that is! 

So, of the four pheasants Dylan let out in terms that could be best described as stupidly, two of them are now back, and the two out still are females.  Maybe they will come to the male! 

Happy “Black Friday” all! 

Kelsey J Bacon

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