
It was a pretty good day today. We put aside any worry about homeschooling and household chores and went to Logan to do an important errand, then check the thrift store for any dressers or shelves that we need to sort out some organization in this old house. We were back int eh furniture section, just about done looking because there was nothing that suited us, when two of the people who work there came along with a cart that had a huge 6 and a half foot tall by 4-foot-wide bookshelf with glass doors on it. I asked them if they were putting it out for sale, and they said “yes,” to which I replied they could put it back marked as sold.

I realized when we got it home that we had never even seen it stood up, so I had no clue what the actual condition was. Well, once I got a good look at it after we struggled and fought it through the front door, it turned out to need some screws tightened down, and more or less be as good as one could hope for from a thrift store. It was not new looking, but it was not badly worn at all. There is a little trouble with the two permanent shelves, but it is not too bad and everything seems to be holding together just fine. I had to put matchsticks into the holes the door hinges were screwed into, but that was nothing. The doors are on fine now.

We positioned the bookshelf where another, shorter one was, and loaded it up, then put on more books from other places. Best part is, after it took more than the shelf that was there, now we have the old shelf to put upstairs and load up again. I am told that will be the fiction section of our library. No surprise here that Missus needs so many shelves, after she left the UK and got rid of some two thousand books or so to make the move.

The rest of the day was spent doing things like having lunch at a buffet, and our regular family chores that keep the old farmstead up and running.

The new bookshelves contain everything craft related, and everything homestead related. That makes sense, since they are both related.

The weather is cooling a little. The highs are not quite in the 90’s these days. Evening dog walks are cooler. It is still warm, but what I would think of as reasonable summer heat. We have almost a month of summer left. Our road runs East and West, and I was just telling our youngest daughter today that when the sun rises and sets at the ends of the road, that is when the Equinox occurs, and the seasons change from Summer to Autumn, or Winter to Spring. It’s no Stonehenge, but it works similarly, though less accurately. Still, good for her to become aware of such things when she is young!

In the morning, our youngest and I are going to go get firewood. Since it is just me to load, I don’t expect a huge haul, unless I were to hire the helper loader there. I would do that if I had a tractor to get the wood out again, as it would likely get stuck and be too hard to get out on my own. One day. Till then, it is best I do it the manual way, and stack in the wood carefully so it does not get stuck. Also, as I have to do it manually, I also have to cut it up small enough to move by hand, so that alone keeps it from getting too badly wedged in or anything like that. I could solve the whole thing with a dump trailer, it is true, but a tractor would be far, far more useful in many other ways.

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