Category Archives: Journal Entry
On A Rainy Day
Today has been a perfect, rainy day. The rain started yesterday, and has carried on through the night, and all of today so far. It is nearing sunset, and bedtimes for the kids, then the adults, with tomorrow meant to … Continue reading
I Am A Collector Of Antiques
I collect antiques and put them on display in our little old farm house. The difference between me and some other collectors is, most everything I collect and display, I also use. These days, most things a person buys gets … Continue reading
The Last Week Or So
Last weekend we were in Salt Lake City, enjoying a bit of shopping and a stay overnight in a hotel there, just to be away from home, and from chores and the like. We ate out at The Cheesecake Factory … Continue reading
Facebook Still
Three days ago I looked into Facebook to see what it is like now, and I think it took four swiped with humb over the screen of my cellphone to realize I still need to be away from it. Opinions … Continue reading
The alarm goes off at 4AM. I have to calculate that into my eight hours of sleep. Less than eight, and I am not performing the highwire act in the circus that day. Best keep my feet on the ground … Continue reading
Trying The Spoke Shave & Working On The Farm
I recieved the Lie Nielsen spoke shave in the mail the other day, and no sooner I did, I was out to the firewood stack and grabbed a piece, took it to the shop, and split it with my froe. … Continue reading
Salvaging The Journal!
When I first started using WordPress, it was a fiasco involving downloading it from WordPress, then uploading it to a host via an ftp client, setting it up and setting up a sql database, including the encryption keys, and editing … Continue reading
Well, 50
It doesn’t seem right. Fifty is pretty old, and I am just sure I am neither pretty, nor old. One of the best parts of the day apart from being with my immediate family, has been hearing from old friends … Continue reading
Springtime In The Rockies
What the Devil is this tomfoolery? It was 60 degrees yesterday! I think this may be the bset snowfall we have had since before Christmas! It’s been such a dry winter. While it’s still winter now, it is behaving like … Continue reading
New Host
As of this posting, I am hosted on a new host with this site. That’s one job done, and it paid for for the next three years. It’s a cold morning here on the farm. It got down to 20 … Continue reading