The Rain Is Falling

Sat here at the computer in the house, the smell of rain in the air, and a bit of lightning and heavy rain on the way. These storms have been a welcomed relief, though they have caused great havoc in other parts of the country, flooding in particular. It seems that whenever there is a severe weather event, the call goes out that it is all caused by climate change, or among the more privative ones, Global Warming! This is weather that has always happened. The only difference is, it has not always happened here. I remember the threat of flash flooding across the desert in southern California, or with the occasional tornado in Colorado. Our little mountain valley has cold winters, and when we first moved here, the summers were punctuated by occasional windy days. We have had heavy rains and we have even been nearly clobbered by a small tornado here at the house, one having touched down within a thousand feet of here. Climate Change is, for now, heat domes and unpredictable weather patterns.

It sure is greening the grass up here! After a long heat spell, it is good to see the forecast offering cooler high temps for the foreseeable future. The ten day forecast sees one time that the high exceeds 90 degrees, and the rest are mid-80’s, more like Augusts in the old days, as I have been anecdotally told.

Amid all this we are working to clean up the out buildings and the horse trailer and get everything organized and sorted. We may move before Christmas, depending on some things, and if so, we need to be ready, and if not, we will come to an advantage by the work done.

Either way, we have lots of things ready to go away via garbage sale, donation, or the dump, in that triage. I will have space to work in my workshop, and the barn is reverted to storage. We are looking at houses, but with shops and barns to accommodate our many hobbies. This house and the land and buildings simply don’t have enough for us, and there are ones out there we should be able to afford if the realtor was accurate in his assessments of ours.

It’s time to remember the wisdom I picked up a few years ago when planting the garden. I was putting seeds in the ground, and thinking about how life goes. My mom had not long passed back then, and I was sullen and heavy in my thoughts. I realized that I might not live to see the seeds grow to harvest. But with my young in the garden with me, I realized that the seeds must still be planted; the work still put in. If I never lived to see the benefit for myself, the others would, and though it is only a season, so is life.

I need to get to work on this house, and get some things fixed up and looking better. It will bring more at the time of harvest, and even though I am told the market is too hot to worry about repairs, surely it is not a loss to attract a buyer with more money to offer.

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