Category Archives: Philosophical
Anti-Social Media
For the last six months, I have not been active on Social Media. For me, that means Facebook, in particular. Friends there may not have noticed, which is to be expected among all of the noise on it, and not … Continue reading
Waking Up From Facebook
I was just reviewing some of the personal data that is kept in Facebook on my account, and it appears that I picked up my first Facebook Friend on the 20th of January, 2008. Ten years and seven months on, … Continue reading
Millennial Bashing
One of the dullest preoccupations of our time is the endless Millennial Bashing that goes on online. Usually arriving over Facebook in the form of a meme or a video of some reputable speaker that everyone else has heard of, … Continue reading
Robin Williams 1951-2014
I don’t know squat about Robin Williams, apart from what I have seen of his work onscreen, his standup routines, and interviews with the likes of Johnny Carson, as well as hearsay passed from those who knew him. His personal … Continue reading
How I Cow
Yesterday I went out on the hunt to buy a cow, and after seven hours of searching, found one available to buy. Upon returning home and posting about it on Facebook, I received several comments regarding how it seemed too … Continue reading
The Jetsons
My mom is over visiting from Denver and this morning her cell phone keeps ringing notifications to say that something or another has happened on it, probably a social media alert. It is consistent, and unending. It chimes off a … Continue reading
Reflections of Sunrise
Wow! September 2013 has rolled around! When I was six I was amazed at the math I did that postulated that I would likely be alive to see the years change from dates beginning with 19, to ones that begin … Continue reading