Farewell to 2020

I always suspected that 2020 would be ironic and the cause for clear vision.  It came in, and almost straight away there was a hint of change on the horizon.  It was when the NBA cancelled in March that I realized that things were pretty serious for an organization like that to call it quits for the season.  It was jaw-droppingly amazing!  Trump got on the TV and pretended to be doing something, which he continued to do in smaller fashion with his daily briefings, till he got bored of it and stopped.  I m not sophisticated enough to tell you if the clown show turned into a shit-show, or the shit-show turned into a clown show.  Whichever it was, the clown finally took a shit on all of it after the election and abdicated what duties were left to try to run for re-election after he had already lost resoundingly.  Tonight, we ring out the old year, and forget the worst of them since 2016 when everybody and my mother died. 

I nursed a shot of Baily’s tonight, wishing it would make my teeth numb, but there is no chance of going so far on so little fuel.  But it’s okay.  I’ll be 50 this coming year.  That is so exciting that I am happy to head off to bed soon myself.  I have got some chores to do tomorrow anyhow.  Don’t let the banker taking the day off make you thing that anyone else is. 

Till then, I sit and write.  I ponder it all, and where I fit into it.  Nothing profound comes to mind.  I wish I knew that when I was 25.  Well, well, well…  So it really is what I make of it, and not some grand design!  It makes my teeth feel numb. 

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