Happy Birthday Khallarnie

Khallarnie was born one week ago today, and time has been at a virtual stand still since.  The days are of course busy with child caring, and bottle cleaning and sterilizing, feedings, and nappy changes.  My focus is on getting all of her routines straight.  And because of it, time does not seem to be moving forward, while all along I know that these moments will be gone in a flash!

Khallarnie does have a bit of a meaning that  checked with Katrina this morning.  It comes from the name of a village in Ireland called Killarney, and meaning church of sloes.  A sloe is a fruit from a “blackthorn,” or a prunus spinosa.  So, “church of the fruit of the balckthorn” sounds just about an apt meaning.

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2 Responses to Happy Birthday Khallarnie

  1. Kat says:


    Big congrats to you, Kit and the rest of the gang – from everyone on AUP! Well done :))

    Kat xx

  2. Lisa says:

    Congratulations to both of you, I hope the little berry brings you much joy 🙂

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