Hot Summer Day. Too Hot

We cut the grass today and got pretty well caught up with that. It is a lot to take care of; more than an acre. Getting it done before the temperatures go up is pretty critical, too. We did. Then Missus got started on washing llama fiber, and I got busy setting up a way to stand market umbrellas up to cast shade on our patio area. For that, I put in a post, digging a couple feet through rock and compressed soil. I was thinking it would go better if I had some shade to work in. It arrived, just after I finished.

I helped with the llama fiber after by making some drying racks to set on the laundry lines. It was pretty simple, but required a lot of wire cutting and bending. Because of the size of the wire racks, made from old fencing, I mosty worked in the sun, so that was… fun? No. But it got done, and the results seemed to work for now. We could do with rebuilding them from hardware cloth or something, but this will do for now.

We reached up to a high of 98F today. That would mean spending the afternoon in the airconditioned house, if we had one. I mean, we have a house. But the house does not have air conditioning. The sun has set, the air outside is down to the 70’s, and it is still 89F upstairs inside right now, with a fan blowing the hot air out. The fan is one of them four foot in diameter jobbies, too. So it is doing a righteous effort at it.

Tomorrow is meant to be a little cooler, though still in the mid 90’s. The fiber picker is set to arrive, too. We will be able to see how that works, and if it does the job Missus is expecting of it. Hopefully it will. If so, we are putting a load of fiber away till she gets her little shop up and running and we get it sold. We are also working out the methods to get the best result of fiber from animal to customer.

I only slept five hours last night, so I am looking forward to a good night’s sleep tonight. The time for it is almost arrived!

Best get ready.

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