It’s Thursday Night

What do you do when you are the last person up on a Thursday night? I watched a video on YouTube explaining thoroughly Q-Anon from it’s origin, to it’s ideologies, to where it is at now and where it is headed in the future, as well as how to talk to people who believe in it. It was an interesting video put on by a younger YouTube creator who has clear thoughts, and presents in a sensible order, and is obviously good at her research. Basically, she gives me hope for the future.

I don’t think though that from watching her video, I would be prepared to deal first hand with someone entrenched in the conspiracies espoused by Q-Anon. Hell, I can hardly deal with the modern political party that has assumed the identity of the Republican Party. It is certainly NOT what it was when I was a kid. While it owes its assumption of the party to some of the crap that the party believed in then, it cannot pretend it is the same as it was. I think a lot of that is owed to Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, and Info Wars and the likes. Guys, your Art Bell politics has highjacked the mentally frail in this country and turned it into a voting block so you can have hat you want at the hands of those who fall for the BS veneer you put on it.

Apart from that, there was a comment read during the video I watched, which was from one of the channel creator’s subscribers, and I could have sworn by some of the words used, and from the situation described, and the propensity of those described to fall for crap like Q, that the author of the comment was talking about Mormons. That reminded me of something…

I don’t know how to write a large piece. I could write and write about a topic, but to make it coherent and tell the story of my own personal experiences in Mormonism, well, I need to take the time to really do it, and do it right, if I am to give this story some life. I want to write about it. I am just intimidated by the scope of that project. I also want to figure out how to best describe the religion and the people without equating them. That’s hard. People are their ideologies, and this particular ideology is nuts. But the people who hold the ideas are not all nuts. So, in short, I’ll get to it, but it is going to be a challenge.

Invariably the previous President is still coming up constantly in national discourse; in the news, and on late-night television. Many in this country seem to still be traumatized by that Presidency. For many, it was like thinking that we were on a bus across town to whereever it is we need to be, but then suddenly realizing that we are in a speeding clown car, heading through a ring of fire, and noticing that the clown driving is absolutely drunk off his ass, and asleep on the accelerator towards the post holding the tent up. Oh, and we are terrified of clowns.

I wish I could say it is a topic that should be dropped and never brought up again, but if that man runs for President again, then he must be defeated again. And if he is to be defeated again, then so must his lies, and his shot on the fan conspiracies which satisfy him with the ability to see what sticks and gets him what he wants. People believe the election was stolen? He has convinced him that he won? How the Hell did the government transition in the first place, then? He was President! He should have had the power to stop it if he had legitimately won the election. But somehow, the man he called Sleepy Joe managed to overpower him, and gain access to the White House? The story stinks.

The story also stinks because I do occasionally peak in at Facebook, and look at some comments. Today I read a woman responding to her own brother to tell him that he had fallen for Democrat lies, and that she just did not want that kind of negativity in her life. Families are being divided. Yes, that DOES remind me of the stories of the Civil War. While there are no slaves in the balance, people are. Mostly, the same people as were then. And that is heartbreaking. It is clearly a country that has changed little.

So, this is a little random, but it is a Thursday Night, and I am feeling pretty random. I need to get rested and get to work on my story in a clear form, and tell what it is I need to tell. I need to tell it, in the way an author needs to tell his story. I cannot breath with it inside me anymore. So I need to unblock it, and let it go. But I need it to be organized, make some sense, and hopefully, be relatable so those who probably need to hear it, can understand how I found safety in the chaos of the world beyond religion.

I’ll leave it for now. But I will go and start making my notes.

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