Nikon D300

I got up an Tuesday morning and checked the bank to find that my funds had cleared.  Naturally I got straight onto the sites where I had been eyeing up the Nikon D300, only to find their delivery was long or their stock was listed as low.  It seemed suspicious to me, and I checked eBay, only to find the worst; THEY had none in the UK.  Well, there were a few with lens packages, but the bodies were sold out, especially at the price I had in the bank! 

I did the unthinkable and went to the Jessops site only to find that there was one in Worcester.  I did an Internet order and had it put by, and when they called to confirm that it was waiting for me, they said it was their last one apart from the display model.  There are a lot of times that I like getting things marked down for being the display model, but NOT this time!  I was happy to have the second to last in the store. 

Tuesday evening I went and picked up my new Nikon D300, and I have been learning to use it since.  And what a lot I have had to learn! 

Watch for photos here!

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