Norwich Union Profits Falling / Calumet Stocks Rising!

This news release is artificial except in terms of my renewal of policy.  I broke my camera, on accident, when I caused it to short out by allowing a screw to tumble loose inside and touch some electrical components.  Norwich Union’s claims manager, Kirsten somebody or other in Scotland refuses the claim because the short caused what the repairer termed as a mechanical fault, like a manufacturer’s defect.  What’s worse, she would not hear my explanation at all, so I had to fight with her on the phone for 30 minutes till she finally offered to have one of their suppliers have a look at it.  The short and long of it, they are calling me a big fat liar to my face. 

I am most aggravated because we have paid them £500 in premiums and by the time the excess (deductible) and the out of pocket cost of the estimate are taking into account, I only needed a £106.25 payment from the insurer (which has underwritten my photographic equipment separately on our homeowner’s insurance). 

Semantics.  That is what this all comes down to.  That is how you lose business!

In other news, Calumet sent their part of my Anniversary/allowance for this month.  One of the 60" Umbrellas was faulty, so I emailed them.  They said they’d "send one out today," and please toss out the faulty one.  What do you know?  Customer service that I can take real confidence in.  That is how you win business!

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