On Becoming Old

The kids are a growing, Missus has been ill, and I have noted a couple of horrible crashes along the highway that we travel on to get out of our neck of the wilderness that has taken more than one life in the stretch of a mile or two and left others in the balance. Death feels like it is hovering close to the place in which I live. It is a heavy feeling. Little ones have come to us recently in the form of grandchildren, and I cannot help but worry for their future, and for the hope of their lives ahead to be long, and happy. It is a deeper place in me where the knowledge is kept that is mindful that with the good comes the bad, with life comes death, and with pleasure comes pain.

Pile on top of this, I have come to a point in life where I need to go to work somewhere, doing a regular job, and supporting my family. I have no particular specialty. But I need to find something to do, and to spend my time away from the darlings I most treasure my time with. This is hard. It is difficult as hell. I value the time I have with these people, and with my wife. There is not a sum of money that equals this value. But there is a necessary sum. So, what am I to do? I am trying to thing where I should apply to spend my time. Where can I go to apply myself?

These feelings are harsh, and depressing. They are heavy. They sure don’t combine well. But here they are, nonetheless. I feel as though I have been hollowed out, and my insides are spread on the ground in front of me, exposed and raw, and somehow, I am still in the shell, looking at it all with confusion, and vulnerability. This is me, becoming an old man.

There is nothing I can do to control what happens in life. I can only ride this great piece of dust in the eternal sea of vast nothingness that comprises the majority of our universe. It’s as though we could ourselves remain unfound among the gunk on a slide under a microscope, just a broad universe hidden among a billion more next to trillions more under a cell among thousands in a sample, unfindable, unnoticeable, and unscalable. In this, I learn to enjoy the moments, to feel the little blisses, and to be a part of something so small as my life hidden among the mass of it all. Where in all the greatness of it all, I am happy to be able to enjoy my little piece and make this little joy among what conspires against my every hope for it. It’s not just contradictory, but my hope is in contradicting it.

So it is here, I say goodnight. Happy contradictions.

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Not-So-Social Media

I have been thumbing down through Facebook for a couple of weeks now. I changed my profile picture, and got some likes, and felt the dopamine hit that comes from that. As I scroll, I have found that there are so many feeds suggested that are just stupid shit. ‘Shania Twain wore a dress and fans were disgusted.’ Paraphrasing, and hating even bringing it up as an example, because I have more respect for Shania Twain than that. Secondly, this is Supermarket checkout stand gossip rag quality material. It is low and stupid. It has been despicable since the National Enquirer and the like published stories about things like Lizard Aliens meeting with the President, or there is a face on Mars, and it is Satan’s, and it appears to be talking. They got hold of the weak-minded idiots in this country with that crap, and demonstrated to the likes of Rupert Murdoch that there is an audience for absolute garbage, as long as it is put in an authentic looking wrapper, and sold as truth. Zuckerberg must be so proud selling his soul down the same river of filth in the name of easy money. I remember when Facebook was “social media.” Social? I think not. The friends are just there to add another layer of motivation among the ads and the honey-scented bullshit that piles onto a user while they waste their lives away, scrolling, and following the rabbit trails that lead to nowhere substantive.

This is not my intellectual assessment of what I have done with the last few weeks of scrolling. It is just an opinionated summary of it. Trouble is, I need to get word out that I have services on offer here from a home-based business. It is a fairly inexpensive means to do a little of that, but it is not an effective one, especially as Facebook does not put business posts in front of people, and I am not even sure the ones it does are people I even know. I keep my social page, and my business page, and when I have put my post on both, I got almost no engagement at all on the business page, but plenty of opportunities to “boost post.” The personal post got a normal amount of interaction as I think I could expect compared to something like, say, updating my profile picture and receiving likes and comments. Facebook demands I pay to play on my business page and barely shows me to my friends on my social page, best I can tell.

Well, if I want to be ignored and only paid attention to by Russian bots, then I have this page for that. And my other webpages. I pay for those myself. I can post what I like. I get no interference from ads and from other rubbish, such as gossip or outright lies that the user has to filter through in order to see what matters. I have always prided myself on maintaining an ad-free environment on all of my webpages. I have also prided myself on honesty. I may not share everything openly here as privacy is my prerogative. But what I do put is the truth to me, and I try to operate a good BS filter in life, dismissing the gossipy horse manure, and brushing aside the stupid conspiratorial-end-of-the-world garbage that seems to get people reading from wasted paper and poorly used electricity. We have something so astonishingly sophisticated as computers all networked together to form a global machine and use it to read that a dead singer is not really dead, but has been sensibly abducted by aliens, who apparently have the same awesome desire to misappropriate their highest technological accomplishments as we do! Be buggered. That sounds just like human inventiveness to me!

So, if anyone is interested in something like, having a log sawn to boards, or buying some candles, or commissioning some photography, I have opportunities for that. My wife can help with artistic creations. Together we have many ways to help others that we are interested in sharing. No scrolling, no filtering. Just us.

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A Christmas Tree on a Quonset Hut.

In the mornings I take the kids to meet their school bus. The drive is seven miles each wat, s o I need to make it worth it. I bring along the camera some mornings and afternoons. But not always. Lately, as Christmas is approaching, there are a fair few houses with lights on for the holiday. But it is this one, with a simple tree all by itself in the middle of nowhere, that I really appreciate. It is very simple, and it is country as can be. I would like to get a better photo than this one, but for now it will do. It gives the idea.

It is hard to believe it is almost mid-December with almost no snow still. There might be some coming this weekend. Would that make a better photo? It may. I will watch for it. But I know how this composition works out. Clouds facing over the horizon like this are not as rare as one would think. I’d bet they come up like it once a week or so. Christmas will be upon us very soon. Then we just wait out the year for the New One. It’s almost 2025. I will keep working on my photos and see what I can offer for sale. So watch this space.

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The Mid-December of 2024

While we are still on a pause, things around the house are going along. I admit that days like today I didn’t feel like doing much. I did some, but I did not feel like much. I did get some rubbish out and I have emptied a mouse trap, and I am sure I did some other things, too. I, uh, ate? Yeah, I ate.

So, there is a lot of nothing unusual going on around here. I have sold a couple of goats a few days back, and now I am seeing pictures of one of them showing up in the neighborhood group and people asking whose it is. Well, it WAS mine. But no more. It’s the same goat, Ivy, that has come back here and broke into our pen to live with the other goats. Mind you, none of them break out. But this one somehow came back in. I think that the posting was made after we returned the goat to her owner.

Staying on my diet is a little more difficult than it has been. Not going to lie, there has been stress, and I think that is a big part of it. I also am experimenting with carbs, and seeing what I can expect on a return to normal. I have a problem. Well, like for example, I had a Marie Calendar’s chicken pot pie for supper tonight. It was awful. I thought I was craving the pie crust, and it tasted a bit like the box it came in, instead of a nice pastry. I have been off them carbs long enough to really get disgusted by the taste of them. There are a few things that do still taste normal to me, but that was not one of them!

Speaking of stress, my hands have been playing up on me again. The skin is splitting apart in various places along my fingers. It’s all the normal thing.

Speaking of splitting. I will need to split some more wood before too long. We definitely do not have enough firewood split for winter! (That’s the second time in three paragraphs I have emphasized the word not. Third.) I have some pretty dry logs though, and I should be okay. I need to figure out why my chainsaw chain keeps dulling out on me. It seems to be doing it without cause, and I need it to cut the logs down to rounds. Easy after that. Well, that’s easy, too, if I can sort it out.

Right. There is a bit of yammering for the books. There is more to come, but not yet.

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Oompa Loompa’s In Our Life

So this has been the worst week imaginable. Missus has had a serious health event, and we have had some scariness going on here at the old Peasant’s Manor Farm. A lot of what has happened is beyond what I would want to share on an online journal. But it has consumed time and resources and prevented me from keeping up with the ‘other’ things in life. Right now, my focus has been getting the kids to and from school, and making sure Missus is getting the care she needs. I also have been managing communications with people who care about her. Well, the ones who show it, anyway. I am not bothering with the ones who cannot keep up with her when things are good. Why?

So we have done some tidying up around the house, and kept the animals fed here. Kept the home fires burning, as it were. There is more work to do. But it really has been a matter of slowing the pace and doing what we can when we can while keeping the priorities up front. At some point, most everybody knows how it is.

Funny how something like this focuses the mind on what a person needs to do, not just for the day, but for after the event. I want to make some furniture but never seem to get around to it. I feel more determined right now to get at it, to set some goals and work on them. I see in my mind some things I need to change. I think I have a better path forward pictured in my head. Funny enough, I want to do some photography too. So, there is a route forming in my mind for that, too. Do the scary things make the mind more efficient at such thinking? It’s also a good refiner of thinking just to realize that one, obstacles aren’t really important, and can just be ignored, and two, that the priorities in life are about what we create. That creation obviously includes the relationships with people. But that need to leave a legacy, I think. To make a life mean something more than itself. To plant the tree others can shade under.

Well, I am lay here. I have caught up with others, my wife, her sister in the UK, a couple of others who dropped messages overnight. I have finally figured out something to write here to indicate that this has happened, and to journal it. I want to go see Missus today, as ever. The poor kid is lay there alone, and I hate the thought of it. I will be interested in seeing how she recovers and how she refocuses. I am also eager to see my kids this morning. Their little sweet hearts need tending to, and assuring that things will be okay, and that this break in the routine is only temporary, and that we will be using it to improve what we are doing, and not to let it get us down.

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What Men Live By

By Leo Tolstoy

Well, if you are religious, then this little fable ought to appeal to right to you. It is an awful tale of a man going to town to collect his debts then buy a sheep’s skin to replace his and his wife’s long worn out winter coat. Collecting only 20 Kopecs, the man drinks that away and then finds a naked man freezing in the street on his way home. He was unsure of what kind of man he could be, but after a couple of false starts, he finally went to the man and gave some of his clothes to him and brought him home.

His wife was of course sure that he brought a vagrant home after drinking away the money, and she was very angry, but eventually, after a lot of telling her husband off, she decided to take pity on the man brought home, and fed him. The dweller of the house told the visitor the next morning that he is welcome to stay, but he would have to work. Over the course of six years the visitor worked well for his host, was very serious, and became well renowned for his craftsmanship.

A rich man came to get boots made from expensive German leather and threatened that they be right or he would bring misery. The visitor, Michael, took the job, and proceeded to make slippers for the rich man. It put an awful fright in the man whose house is stayed and worked at, Simon, because of the threats from the rich man. But before boots could be collected, the next day the rich man’s servant came and asked he have burial slippers made instead.

After six years had gone by, twin girls were brought to the house and shoes requested for them. Michael seemed to know them, and finally when Simon came to understand why, it was because Michael was an Angel who was fallen and sent to learn what Men live by. That was Love. He explained he was sent to take the spirit of the girls’ mother, but he could not because she wanted to keep them safe until they stood. He was sent back to take her after taking pity on her, and she died and rolled on one of the girls. The neighbor took them in, and when she tried to nurse them, she was reluctant to nurse the limp one, but did eventually, and they both lived. So, Michael saw the acts of love in the neighbor nursing and raising the children, in Simon and his wife taking him in, and that mankind may plan for a year but do not know if they will live for a day.

The story is a little more nuanced than I have put it, as it is longer than I have reported on it. But as I said, it is very much about an Angel not doing God’s bidding and killing a mother of newborns, then getting pissed and tossing him out to live six years among men to learn what they live on, only to take him back after he saw more death, and hunger, and poverty, and understand that when the boss says go leave two newborns parentless, then get at it. I am sure it means to convey a good message, but I don’t think it entirely does. Like much of scripture it teaches that man must have morals as taught them by a cruel and selfish being that rules absolutely from the skies. I don’t buy into it. But that’s me. I’d rather think that kindness is from within a person, that his wife need not be portrayed as angry and so unwilling to know what her husband has to say while he is portrayed the innocent victim of her apparently natural vile, and that there need be no all-seeing-eye looking down on us from above, and casting us out for the smallest infraction. Certainly, I don’t think there is anything moral about killing the mother of newborns, which I will add here, was in the same week their father was crushed to death by a tree. There is nothing moral about dumping your employees out naked in the cold for not performing the required hit on a woman. And there is nothing moral about poverty at all. So, the whole story fails, in that respect. But it is a Russian tale about life in a village, so it is probably from that viewpoint, right on the mark.

Over-all I did not like the story. The writing, however, especially as compared to Fyodor Dostoevsky, was much more pleasant and flowed better. The story was snappier and moved along at a pleasant clip. I certainly enjoyed Tolstoy’s style much better. I was on from one event to another before I had the chance to form a yawn. But perhaps I am still biased by the awful childishness of White Nights. What’s certain is I look forward to further reading, and will perhaps make another attempt at War and Peace now that I’m older and giving real effort to a bit of reading in the classics.

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Thanksgiving 2024 – Daughters & Granddaughters

I finished White Nights. The girl waited three days with the fella, then just as she tore her heart out and decided that she could love him when her man did not return for her after a year, and the fella knew he was in for undying love, the guy came down the road, recognized her and off they went. That left our storyteller in the cold and that was that. Yeah, I recognize the story from at least two or three tales of high school. Is it really literature, or the journal of a few girls I met back before I was even 18? Tolstoy comes next. I hope he is better.

So yesterday was Thanksgiving. I was asked what I wanted to watch at one point in the morning, and I said I didn’t want to watch anything but would rather play some games with the girls. So the three of us played Uno while Missus worked on some things she needs to finish for Market on Saturday. She put Indiana Jones on. The girls and I did not keep score, and I can tell they had a jolly old time.

We had pork ribs and stuffing and some vegetables for dinner. It was plenty good, and didn’t include any of those weird traditional sides that I used to have to endure or ignore as a child. I never could love a yam or a sweet potato! But the roasted potatoes Missus made were just great! I only had two, so I could keep my diet mostly on track. But in the evening, I did eat four English Muffins with strawberry preserves and butter on them. I used about 1/2 a teaspoon to a teaspoon of preserves on each. So it was not like I would have done when I was young, and did not want to endure the sour taste of the English Muffins. Still, it was very good to me! And I think it was totally off my diet, but delicious none the less.

I am violating my diet more these days than I would like to in order to get my weight down across some arbitrary finish line. There is still a bit of a belly there, so I will take that as still not done. Maybe I should do a run at it till Christmas! But even though I am in violations of the diet, I am trying to be careful, such as with the minimal amounts of preserves. I think it best that it remains a change in eating and lifestyle. I know that when I eat such things, the hunger pains return quickly, and I am likely to have joint pains. Give me a bit of meat or some cheese or even a salad, and I am good for several hours without hunger. Eggs are great, though not great to have all the time. Throw me some pasta or bread, even some cereals, and things are turning into pain and hunger. Give me some milk, and I am running to the loo time after time. These things I have got down pat. The English muffins did not affect me near as bad as a bit of say, white bread on a sandwich might. I am not feeling perfect at all, and it is a bit of a pain to hold my arms up to type this, but it is not death warmed over like days before.

All this to say we ate. Then more things happened.

Firstly, our younger infant granddaughter brought her parents over for a pleasant visit. She was lovely, of course, and perfectly well behaved. I got to hold her for a while and thoroughly enjoyed that! After they parted, our older infant granddaughter brought her brother by, and his parents followed him. I made sure to sit with him for a bit and included him so he would know that while all the boring adults talked and talked and talked, he was still an important part of the family. Then I got to hold the little one, so I ignored him after that. Oops! Little one is adorable just like her cousin, and impossible to not put my full attention on while she is there on my forearm, bouncing gently, and looking so sweet. She had a bit of wind in her, so I worked to get that out. She did let one big belch up when she popped up on my shoulder for a quick cuddle, and I was pleased to hear it, though not so much to smell it. And soon they went on their way.

I tried to have a game on the VR goggles the evening, but my oldest daughter come in and talked to me because I think she could not see the VR goggles covering my face. I scolded her for her ignorance, and told her how seldom I played it, and that when I do, I would like to have the time to get going in a game before someone demands my full attention on them and generally gave her my bad vibes for her ignorance. What is it with kids these days? Why, if she were mine, I’d give her hell. I’d feel bad for doing it, but I’d still give her an appropriate does of grief so she would not make such a jerk of herself in society.

Then we talked for a while. She wanted to know what kinds of things she could do to work out and try to get more fit, as she deals with the same stupid joint pains I do. I wish she would get the breads and cereals out of her diet for a while and try that out so she could drop medical treatments, and perhaps live normal rather than like I have, ignorantly stuffing myself with the indulgences that were hurting me and doing so for some fifty-years or so. But maybe she does have something different. It would be easy to find out. Mine responded rapidly. Hers would too with just a tiny little bit of willpower.

Before long the discussion was over, I gave up on playing anymore of my game, and I went to bed and finished White Nights, only to feel unfulfilled, and a bit repulsed by how vividly it brought up memories of schoolgirls, and my hopeless hope of ever finding love at that young age.

I was shocked out of sound sleep at five in the morning by my alarm to wake Missus for her weekly rendezvous with her friend Sandy on a call to Texas, where Sandy lives. Missus had only been asleep for two hours at that point, so she was shocked when I woke her, too. She said she would like to sleep till 9AM after her call with Sandy. So I get to sleep from now till then if I would just end this.

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White Nights

I am reading the Russian White Nights, by Fyodor Dostoevsky. I have 18 pages left to go, but so far, it is about a lonely man who meets on chance a woman who is very nearly attacked by a drunk. He rescues her, and they agree to meet the next night.

When they do, he is so thrilled to have actually broken his solitude within St. Petersburg, and especially with the company of an attractive woman, no less, that he spends several pages at her encouraging of expressing his whole history, telling her of how he has so dreamed of such a meeting, and that he shall never be alone again. He is eloquent and verbose, and almost flatulent in long tale of how he has found happiness at last in her.

Then she finally gets him to shut up, and she tells him of her whole history, which is abridged to the telling of how she is in waiting for a man who used to lodge with her and her grandmother, and went away to find his fortunes a year gone by, and was due to have returned, and she was sure he had, but he has not yet made contact with her. So still, she waits, eager to know if he has come to marry her.

This is the basic construction of some conversations I remember having with a couple of girls in high school! They must have read White Nights! I remember the same broken heart as I thought I had found someone to befriend but only found someone who was looking for a place to put her sorrows. It was positively unbearable!

Of course, I do not fly like a bee seeking the best nectar from the colorful flowers, but now experience the flow of the river, constant and powerful. Flights of fancy hold no interest. And neither does carrying pollen! Sometimes it is so good to be old, and reminding myself of those foolish young days, I am glad to be old now.

But! Let’s see what the remainder of the pages hold! I am genuinely interested!

(I also say, with the joint pain gone, I am able to endure the holding of the book for so much longer that I am really able to enjoy the act, where I could not for years as it was impossible to even hold up a book without my arms begging me to stop. One more reason I owe thanks to the good doctor who was concerned about my middle-aged weight! It turns out that the breads I have eaten were the cause of my joint pains. And milk, it turns out, has other consequences on my body that send me flying to the loo for a standing visit!)

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Tree Work and Remembering Ross

We had a visit for a couple of days from our oldest and his wife and newborn. With that, his next brother and their newborn came to visit too! What an amazing time it was to have them all and the babies for a time this week! I have really enjoyed it, and felt the joy of having our little family together.

Oldest and I went to the dump where I found out that they will still not be charging to remove firewood in the new year, which is great news for us. He brought home several rounds and split them on my log splitter. While he worked on that, I let him carry on while I went to the tree where the dog pen has been till the goat died a few days ago. The dogs are removed to the goat’s old pen, and their pen now empty. So I pulled up the fence, and I started cutting down the tree. It is a poplar tree of some sort where the branches spread out from down at a low point on the trunk. In fact, the place they begin is about four feet up. Below that, the trunk is very thick and I cannot chop it there as it would be unwieldy and put too much in motion for the ground in some direction at once. So I took them just above the trunk where they diameter of the branches varies between seven and 14 inches or so. I am estimating. Either way, these were long branches, pushing maybe 35 to 45 feet. They came down with a boom!

I got hung up on the one that I always knew was going to be the biggest problem. It was the one that hung way over the house and cottage and shed. Why it had to face that corner, I will never know! I started by putting in a mouth on the west side thinking I would get it to fall away from the corner where the outbuildings meet the corner of the house. Then I cut a line in the other side, on the east, hoping to leave a lever that the whole branch would swing on, but it swung the other way instead, closing up that line. I tried wedging that back open, and while it did, I suspected that since the lever was now made running straight up and down, the top of it would give way, and the whole branch come down with the end of it either through the back door, or through the bathroom windows, or the roof, or worse, it would not move at all, and I would have it on the cottage or shed. I thought it through a while and thought about swinging it the other direction and try to get past the shed to the east, but again, in my head, it was a no go.

Missus came out and agreed with me, it was not going to swing. I had a chain on it just shy of a quarter of the way up at this point, so she suggested I move the truck to the north of the tree and pull through it. I surrendered to her good judgement and when I pulled, it lifted the whole large branch upright, straight up and down. Then I backed up and it lowered it slowly to a point quite a bit lower than the original hanging position, so I definitely broke the lever. It finally gave way, and I think the base of the branch swung towards the tree trunk, and the weight of the ends brought it down in one mighty smash, just short of the house and any of the outbuildings. Missus’ idea had worked! The branch fell, and I was all at once out of a fix!

I downed the last leaner on the west side, leaving now only the main central trunk and its extremities poking right up into the air. I think I can drop that to the west tomorrow. Once it is done, I will clean up all the branches, the piles of dirt that made up the old goat pen and its associated debris, and the dog yuck. Then the only thing to contend with will be a rather large trunk. There are a couple of ideas for that. I can pull, or do the tire pull, or push a little with the tractor. I am desperate to have it out.

The tree has been great for the years it has been around. I have liked the shade. But those days are over now. It is almost completely dead, apart from one area of a ten foot branch or two where it had leaves this summer. It really is dry wood now, and the woodpeckers have been attacking it. There have also been the flocks of starlings landing in it, and I am not going to miss all that noise. I am looking forward to having an open yard, too. I want our grandkids to have a big area where they and honestly, our whole family can safely play about.

I have had to take a few trees down in the back of the house. It’s one of those things that you grow up and know that the right way is to hire a pro. But then you grow up, and money is a good reason not to hire a pro. So here it is, DIY. I need to safely drop this last tall section, and I think the rest will be fairly easy. It is a thick trunk, though. So, I will continue with my usual abundance of caution and over-thinking.

Finally, I found out today as I passed a funeral down at the local Church that six days ago our good neighbor died. I am bummed about it, but I also know he was 99 and seemed to me to be getting eager, as old folks often do. Whatever the circumstances and feelings about his passing, I want to mark this, and that is I really enjoyed his company, and the time we spent in conversations in his living room, or on his front porch as he got older, and over the fence many years ago when he could walk down and lean over. I remember him, Ross Bird, as a good man, who lived like any man, if not like more than a man. He loved his family, his religion, and of course like any sensible man, other things as well. I remember him well. He made me sad at times, because he was sometimes sad. But he also kept his head and sometimes sprung out of that with the most offhanded story. “Hey Ross! What ever happened to that little dog you had?” Sad face. “Oh, I accidentally sucked him through the snow blower while clearing the sidewalks down at the Church.”

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Bridge Over Troublesome Water

Each morning, I take the kids to the bus stop, it is to a location a short drive from the house that is in another catchment, neighboring to the one we live in. It allows the kids to attend classes that are smaller than the local district is able to offer, and it allows their district to collect Federal funding for a couple of extra kids, to help keep their small schools funded and open. To get to the stop, I go down the hill behind the house to the river crossing, and then just up the other side.

The other day we came back across the river, and I said that I thought there was an unfamiliar sag in the end of the bridge’s platform. We talked a minute beyond it about how they might have to rebuild the bridge soon, and what the alternate routes to the bus would be.

Yesterday I got a call from our son, who said the school was trying to get ahold of me to let me know the bridge was abruptly closed, and that we would need to make arrangements. Oh boy! No warning at all! I called the school and arranged to pick the kids up myself there. Then I called the county to enquire. That alone ought to say how small a county we live in. The lady explained to me that it had been closed, (obviously), and that they were going to have to rebuild it, and that would be started around March. They ‘might’ get a lane open in the meantime, but she was not sure. Well, if it’s safety you’re after, then convenience has to fall by the wayside, I thought.

So next I got ahold of the bus driver. He is a friendly old fella who makes his phone number available, and we set up to pick them up at the next closest stop. That is not as close as the mile to the bridge, and the half mile or less beyond it that I have had to travel each day. The next closest alternative route is down through Utah, then back up again to where his route comes along the highway and has a stop. It is about seven and a half miles each way. After that, the trip to school is the next alternative, at 15 miles each way, making the whole day a 60-mile drive. That’s a bit much. No! I cannot afford that kind of fuel consumption! It’s a struggle as is! But I will bring my camera along, and with any luck, the new route might provide some fresh opportunities. We will see.

So now, here it is, the next morning. I am awake an hour before the alarm, have set the fire going, and had a coffee already. A quick message back to my sister-in-law, who lives in the UK, and has a day off for a couple of inches of snow on the ground there. I think photo she sent showed maybe an inch and a half on the roads. She knows that over here, that would hardly justify a long sleeve shirt and certainly would not warrant a day off! One might consider leaving five minutes early! But of course, we are set to manage it, and the roads here are not near as winding and narrow, and hilly!

Five minutes now till it is time to get up. I am already, but I might as well start getting my bed made and getting dressed. Away I go!

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