Reminds Me Of England

Today has reminded me of England, in the last few weeks before we left and we were waiting for the last bits to fall into place before we could go.  Not everything was going exactly to plan, but we pressed on till we got the goal.  Then there was the messing about once the chips all fell into place.  Today has been a mix of both so far. 

Due North From Logandale

Missus and I took the little one up the hill across the road for a walk with the dogs and I took this photo showing our place in the lower left where the red barn is, and due north in the middle of the picture. 


Kirynie and Karmel as we walk up the hill.


Kirynie showing her mum that Karmel’s collar came off.

It is so hot out here these days, and there are months of spring and summer yet to go!  Meanwhile, we are just killing time! 

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