Selling is Ended

Friday I shipped the last item to sell from my Hasselblad Camera.  I packed the lens and shipped it off to the Netherlands.  I have only a camera body and film back left.  They are what I want so I can convert the camera to digital in the future while holding onto the ability to shoot film with it.  I also want to have different lenses for it than the 80mm.  It just does not suit me.  I need to have a 120mm and a wide angle, though now the new camera will likely suit that better.  We will see.  It will all be about the quality on offer.

I have also ordered a basic 18-55mm VR lens for Nikon.  I am getting it off eBay new, but deeply discounted.  I am assured there will be serial numbers on it still.

The money for the lens should clear my account on Wednesday or maybe even Tuesday.  When it does, Nikon D300 will be the order of the day.  It is crap at 3200 speed ISO when you scale the image to 100%, but apart from that, apparently it is a perfect camera.  Considering I seldom shoot low light without a tripod anyhow, I don’t see this as a big problem.  Now it is time to start a glass collection for Nikon, and start saving for the higher end body! 

I sure do look forward to getting some new photos up onto this site!

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