Sinus Infection

The past few days have been less than fun.  I tought I was experiencing a toothache where I had lost a molar some sixteen years ago, and that it was sausing the normal toothache pains.  However, the pain transitioned from that area, and all the teeth on the same side, and moved up into my head.  This morning’s nasal drip turned into the last straw before attempting to rediagnose the issuse myself with the help of Dr. Google. 

I was well enough to go up to the store and get a saline and sugar rinse for an extorionate price, and then came home and gave it a go, after washing the store off my hands.  Thank you Coronavirus! 

Before very long at home, I sat down and fell asleep.  Missus talked me into going up to the bed to lay down by merely making the suggestion.  I went up, and had a rough sleep, waking up several times.  I was looking forward to her finishing work, and then telling her that I was set to call it and go to the Health Clinic and get an antibiotic perscrition.  She didn’t come till she had finished work, then taken a nap herself, so when she did come, and asked me if I knew what time it was, she told me 3:30.  Not much time before the clinic closed.  Still, we were able to get there and make both, an appointment, and pharmacy hours. 

The doctor agreed that I had diagnosed correctly, sinus infection, and said I didn’t need her.  I reminded her that I cannot write myself a prescription.  She did and started to tell me that she had sent it off, and it was for a ten day cycle.  I said, to be taken twice a day for the full cycle, even if I am feeling better.  I have not had antibiotics for thirty years, but I have done a couple of stints working as delivery for pharmacies. 

The important moment came at supper time when I took the first tablet of the course.  Missus said that when she had a similar experience, she felt better soon after her first tablet.  And so it was.  Not all better yet, but at least I am awake. 

And so, what are my desires in these moments of ill feeling, apart from sexual, and life affirming? To write, and tell the world, I am still alive!  Life affirming!  And that’s me in a nutshell when I am under the weather.  I like to prop up my little brolly that tries to keep me alive and dry of the storm. 

The last few nights have been poor sleep, tooth pain, headachy, and finally sinus pain last night, distinguishing this from just a toothache, which I believed it was till then. 

I went to the local health clinic, and found it to be a little less protective than I expected as far as the virus is concerned.  The lady at the desk wore no mask, and she did not chase me off when I leaned over the desk to write, which I realized I was doing and appologized for, she said, “that’s okay.  There is noone else here.”  The nurse who took my vitals wore a mask part of the time, but the doctor wore hers the whole time, suggeting she was more intimate with, or more aware of her patients potential infections. 

So far, still no signs of the virus for myself.  Happy news as I am the designated emerger from our lockdown.  Whenever there is a need, especially for groceries, I am the one designated to go get them, keeping at least one person barrier against the virus, even though we would obviously all get it if I did breing it home.  Cautious sensibilities are thus on me.  It’s a big responsibility to the people I love. 

We are holding back, keeping more than social distance because the virus is spiking again.  We have been all along, but the situation is becoming more dire, even though the attitudes of people I see in public, and reported in the press seem to be almost indifferent among many.  I have heard in the news of people yelling at folks in masks that they are just pushing an agenda.  I have heard someone in a shop complaining to his partner about “all the stupid people in masks.”  I doubt these are experts in infectious control, and instead, represent the type of people who disreguard those with actual knowledge as ‘know-it-alls.’  Yeah, kiss my ass.  Nobody knows less than he who thinks he knows everything.  Hail to the Chief!

I am happy to keep in my little corner of Earth, at a safe distance, aware that the defences I need are small ones, not stockpiles of guns and ammunition; sorry preppers.  The problem was not Armageddon, or Red Dawn.  It turned out to be more like War of the Worlds.  Just keep safe, and do nothing.  The rest could take care of itself. 

I guess this society started politicizing wellness when it started to politicize vaccines as far back as a century or more ago.  Yes, the anti-vaxer movement is that old, at least.  The earlies renditions go back to those who would call a vaccine, just like a lightning rod, interfering with God’s Will.  Somehow, apparently, God’s attempts to strike people dead with lightning were subverted by Mr. Franklin’s invention.  Laughable. 

I have spoken to one fellow who believes the virus does not kill anymore than the common flu does, and his plan is to lay down and tough it out if he catches it.  Well, there is an example of male ego if I ever saw it, just the idea of toughing it out, nevermind the complete disreguard for other people.  And I assume he is not aware that so far this year it has already killed more people than things like eleven years of Vietnam.  Misinformed is surmounted by being willfully disinformed. MAGA.

I am unhappy with the politics in the issue, and should not perpetuate it myself. At the same time, the will of some to walk over, and endanger others to the peril of the lives of all involved, and children and the elderly who are not involved around them… Well, I said what I said.

So, Coronavirus is a thing, and it is going as fast as ignorane will move it. The sinus infection over the past few days has knocked me out of useful service, so with this handfull of antibiotics, I hope to get back up on my feet and prove worthy of my rations once again. Everything for us is business as usual. The farm is moving along with another season of more weeds than food growing out of the vegetable patches. The kids are enjoying their time off of studies. The kids are being educated still in subversive ways they don’t recognize as learning. Equipment on the farm is failing me, and making me resent the money spent on it. I am older, and feeling it.

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