Thursday Evening Post


Today we poured a quart of transmission fluid into the transmission on the truck, crossed our fingers, and hoped for the best.  So far, it has run perfectly, and doesn’t seem to be leaking anywhere.  If it continues on like this, then the transmission only overheated and the fluid boiled over through an overflow and scared the crap out of us on Sunday.  The idea of a repair that could cost as much as $4,000 has been unbearable, and a nice reminder that we need to be extra careful with the resources that we have got!  I suspect it will be fine from here on out, but to be honest, I am going to be watching it closely! 

Next up for it is a set of tires!  The truck needs tires so Kirynie and I can road trip up to Idaho later in the month and help my grandparents down from their summer home there.  It needs tires and more road testing before setting out! 

The photo above is one I took a couple of weeks ago, and is the out of camera J-peg, not retouched at all in Photoshop.  Mostly I put it in because I find that more people read this blog if there is an image to call their attention to it in Facebook.  So do tell, did it work?

I have been volunteering at the local Bountiful Baskets pickup, and our volunteer coordinator has offered to teach me how to make a pound of Mozzarella cheese out of a gallon of milk.  Watch for that experience on The Prospering Peasant next week! 

I ran out of chicken feed today, so I want to mention that my grandmother’s cousin, Charles, came by to give me a ride to get food for the birds, food for ourselves, pay a phone bill, and get transmission fluid for the truck today.  We’d have been in big trouble today without him, and I am publicly mentioning this with much THANKS! 

The only thing left to say now is that the forecast is for hotter weather again, crossing back into the hundreds.  When there is nothing left to do but complain about the weather, then that means I am out of things to talk about till next time! 

Kelsey J Bacon

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