What a Day!

Nothing spectacular today, except that a bout the time Katrina was due to come home, it started snowing out of the blue.  Not literally out of the blue, but damn near.  I took Kiry out to look at it, and there was snow all over the walk in front of out house alongside the street.  The wording there is careful.  See, it was on the walkway, but not on the street.  It snowed to about there pretty hard, then tapered off abruptly, leaving the street and the other side of the street clear.  It was very strange to see the border of a snowfall like that.  But then Katrina came home to say she had to ride through a blizzard for about half a mile or so on her bus ride home, then it stopped and did not start again for her on the way.  She didn’t even notice the snow on the walks…  Go figure!  So the very threat of a sudden and hard snow put us on a little bit of an edge, but nothing has come of it yet.  So there we go then! 

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