Why, why, why?

We live in a road that is a loop, and on a hill.  We are at the top of the loop, on the downhill side of the street, with about a four foot drop form the street to the front step of our house.  We are also only maybe ten feet from the front walk to the front door, leaving us a little nervous when people do foolish things in our road.  Portefields

As I said, our road is a loop.  There is only one way in and out of it.  No matter which direction you go, you end up at the same place. 

So why, why, why do different people keep making u-turns in front of our house??? 

It is bad enough that teens on their scooters will use it as a race course!  If you are any good with your spatial relationships you can see from the cars parked on the side of the road that the road is narrow as can be.  But to flip one in front of our house when all you have to do is drive around the loop? 

And friend, this activity is performed by people who live in our street as well as by those who don’t.  It is not huge!  The entire road and the houses around it only cover about three acres! 

This is just one more reason your author and his family have little confidence in their fellow man. 

I propose that at the next election, each of the candidates are turned loose with a car on my road, and we all watch.  Anyone seen making a u-turn is automatically disqualified from the election and sent to the Midvale School for the Gifted!

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